Stuck in Someone Else's Shoes, Literally Part 1

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Okay, so this story might be just short story. I have been bored and saw a movie last night and I thought I could write something like that. Anyways, tell me what you think.. Is it too weird for a first part or should I keep writing it.



Holly had been knocked out or something. She wasn't sure of what had happened or where she was. She slowly lifted her head and found herself sprawled across the gym's floor. She rolled over onto her stomach and attempted to push herself up. Her head hurt horribly. She didn't feel like herself.

She heard a whistle blow and she winced. She looked around and saw the Mr. Keller rushing over toward her and a group of students slowly coming toward her. What had happened? Was someone hurt? She'd heard of kids getting really hurt and having concussions. One grade nine last year hit her head so hard that she was confused for hours. She tried to push herself up but someone stopped her. A hand. She tried resisting it but she eventually gave in and stayed down. Then her world went black.

She woke up more confused than ever. Where was she? Her vision was a little blurred and she was slightly light headed. Was I hurt? Is that why I feel like this? Slowly she came to her senses and realized she was in the nurse's office. Hesitantly she got to her feet and looked around the office. It was a small white room with a few sections blocked off with curtains.

She turned to look at the bed beside her and it was a girl. It was her, she gasped. "What the-" She murmured, slowly reaching out to poke the body. The girl startled awake and stared back at her micking Holly's horror struck expression.

"It's you!" screamed the girl, who looked exactly like Holly. "And you look like me! What are you doing in my clothes?" Holly looked down at herself and it was true she wasn't in her clothes. She was wearing a muscle shirt and long black gym shorts. Then she realized what she was seeing, and what she wasn't seeing. Where were they? She hands flew to her chest.

"Oh my god," She said, taking in short panicked breathes as she realized she wasn't in her body. "Who are you?" Holly asked staring back at the girl. Who am I, is the better question.

"Oliver," he answered through her mouth, with her voice. Oliver Hasting, wasn't he play boy of the school? I'm stuck in Oliver Hastings body. She felt filthy, like she hadn't taken a bath in decades, centuries even. Oh. My. God. I might as well just break down crying, things couldnt get worse. "Who are you?"

"Holly," She answered as she slowly went to sit back down on the cot she woke up in.

"That's a girl's name," he replied, chuckling. Then realized his laugh wasn't the one he was used to, it was a high pitched musical laugh. Oliver now understanding what had happened quickly lifted the shirt he was wearing to find a black lacy bra. "This is impossible," he murmured feeling nauseous as he lightly patted the front of his gym shorts. "Oh shit!" he shrieked. "It's gone!"

"How did this happen?" Holly asked starting to hyperventilate. She was in boy's body, not in her wildest dream did she ever imagine to be stuck in Oliver's body. Never in her lifetime did she think she'd have an out of body expirence but here she was, stuck literally in someone else's shoes. 

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