The Reception

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A/N: I'm so sorry. I personally don't like this type of story setup either buuuuuuuuttttt, please play the video at the designated moment. (For some reason I could just picture Yagi singing this and it just seemed perfect.)

As guests cheered on the newly married couple that descended down the walk way; everyone could see the love that shined so brightly between the two. Toshinori found someone to love and protect... that person was (Y/N). Her beautiful smile that was highlighted by the light rose color that painted her plump cheeks. He quickly turned to her at the end of the walk way before exiting the chapel; he couldn't resist the urgency he felt in his chest. Toshinori grazed his hand over her cheek bringing her into a gentle embrace; cutely nuzzling his nose with hers, "I love you so much." (Y/N) leaned up and placed a small kiss on the tip of his nose, "I love you too, Toshinori."

After the entire bridal and groom parties changed into more comfortable footwear; they joined the wedding guests at the reception hall. Aizawa sat quietly next to Toshinori, being his best man of course, he silently dreaded the expected speech he was to give. Though in the forefront of his mind, his discomfort was subdued by the free open bar. The raven haired man disappeared in the direction of the bar as students from 1-A surrounded the groom giving him their congratulations and asking when little All Mights would be conceived.

Yamada chuckled from his DJ booth as he watched his friend awkwardly avoid baby questions from students. Looking back to the dance floor he watched as (Y/N) laughed and danced smoothly with Nezu in the palm of her hand. "Congratulations, (Y/N). You and Toshinori, both, deserve to be happy after all you have been through," the bear-like mouse smiled as he held on to her index finger and waltzed on her palm. "Thank you, Nezu... Honestly, I feel like it's all a Dream whenever I look at him," (Y/N)'s soothing voice going to a whisper, "Like I'm waiting to blink and it all be gone... Toshi, not being there..." The blonde in question noticed his bride's somber appearance from across the room; dismissing himself from the head of the table he approached Yamada.

A plan was being hatched between the two blondes but, before they could put it into play a very intoxicated Aizawa returned to the front of the table; beginning his speech. The pro hero snatched the open mic on the table and tapped it, "Hey. Heeeeey. Hey. Can you hear me?" Everyone looked on in horror and amusement. (Y/N) and Midnight quickly made sure the cinematographer for the wedding was recording ever single second of this, "Ma'am this will ruin his image." The bride snapped her head to look at the man and scowled, "I didn't ask your opinion. Continue recording; his future nieces and nephews need to see this moment." The man did as told out of pure fear of the bridzilla. Toshinori watched and thought to himself, 'Oh, this'll be good.'

Aizawa stood still then began to lean, obliviously fighting the effects of dizziness caused by the large amounts of alcohol he consumed. "Woah... Alright, listen up I'm only saying this once," he shouted over the speaker system. Accusingly pointing at Toshinori the raven haired man slurred his words a bit, "Look here, All Might you've landed yourself a damn good wife. Don't. Fuck it up." Swiftly looking to (Y/N) he softened his demeanor, "(Y/N), you're such a wonderful person and I'm sorry for not saying it more often. And if he ever, I MEAN EVER hurts you... I got your back." She smiled and nodded to the belligerent drunk. As if having an epiphany Aizawa growled, "And for fuck's sake, if I ever catch you two banging on my desk again I'll kill you both!" The bride and groom looked mortified and facepalmed as if on the same wavelength of emotions. Aizawa then proceeded to hunch over to the side of a chair and vomit. "Clean up on isle Eraserhead," jokingly boomed Yamada as he escorted him out of the room. Silence resonated throughout the room momentarily. 'Oh, god. He's never going to let me live that down,' mentally groaned (Y/N) as she shook her head in shame.

The sound of Toshinori clearing his throat filled the room causing everyone, including (Y/N), to look in his direction. "So that was... an interesting speech," he chuckled nervously as he looked at his endearing wife, "(Y/N), I love you more than you could believe." As Toshinori spoke, a preset song began to play in the background; (Y/N) choked a bit recognizing the tune. "I may not be perfect but, you make me feel as if all my flaws," looking into her warm (E/C) eyes, "Are truly my best features." Finishing his comment, Toshinori began to hum and sing; taking slow steps towards (Y/N).

"Wise men say only fools rush in but, I can't help falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you."

(Y/N)'s eyes began to water as she was planted in her spot; unable to tear away from the scene Toshinori was putting on for her.

"Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes somethings are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you."

As he approached her still form, Toshinori held (Y/N)'s hand in his; staring deeply into her eyes. Her lips quivering into a smile that showed her immense emotions.

"Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes somethings are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too."

(Y/N) reaches for his other hand and pulled him close as they continued to stare into each other's eyes. Singing the last lines with the love of her life.

"For I can't help falling in love with you.
For I can't help falling in love with you."

The warmth they shared for each other blanketed their beings causing (Y/N) to finally break down, "I love you so much, Yagi!" He smiled and held tightly onto her as she desperately clung to his form, "I love you too, (Y/N)." The moment between the couple made everyone shed tears and the guests erupted in a joyous roar. Smiling to one another they stood on the dance floor and enjoyed their moment for just a while longer.

A/N: Hey there my lovelies~! Hope you enjoyed it! Not big into "fluff" or overly romantic scenes; they touch me in the No-No places. Yeah don't like my feels being tapped on often; fuck dem feels. I will say this came out better than expected. I tweaked it a bit to help with transitioning but, still sloppy. Also this song is, like, perfect for this. I can practically hear Yagi singing this. Anyways~ leave me some comments and vote I guess. If you want to, no biggie. Definitely let me know if you want more chapters like this and give me a character; I'll do it~!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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