When you go to far

22 3 0

She sat there in class listening to them.

Every word. Every syllable.

They continue jabbing, picking on her.

Minutes tick on and on and on.

She's hurt but she wouldn't show it. She continued to work.

"Here's a thought, how about you go die" they laugh.

She can't take it any longer it was all catching up to her.

"Shut the f*** up! If you want me to die so much I will, I hope you have a nice f***ing life".

She slams her books down and runs out.

Unknowist to her the rooms to the other classes are open.

They heard every word.

Her cousin comes out of one.

Her best friend comes out the other.

Her boy/girlfriend comes out last.

They were all chasing her
Hoping they weren't too late

One by one they left the school. Chased her down and held her.

They gave her the comfort she needed.

"I've ignored it so long" she whispers.

They glanced at each other
"We know".

When You Go To Far (A Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now