For the First Time

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It had started off as a joke on Twitter. Ryan Reynolds had jested, "Thank you for agreeing to raise my children as your own." Tessa was flattered, and found herself sending him a tweet months later, offering to babysit his daughters.

After retiring from competitive figure skating, Tessa had discovered the joy of impromptu adventures. When they were working, every moment of her and Scott's lives had been pre-planned. They scarcely had time for vacations, which left parenting out of question. While they spent time with Scott's nieces and nephews, they had no family of their own. Not yet, at least. Rather than lament about what they did not have, Tessa focused on the liberties they could enjoy. Nowadays, she wanted nothing more than a cheeky Nando's.

It was the Canadian thing to do, Tessa convinced herself, as they drove from Montréal to New York City. Babysitting for a stranger was something one did out of common courtesy, right? She was absolutely not thinking about how great Scott was with kids.

As part of their sponsorship initiatives, they occasionally worked with junior skaters. While Tessa focused on training them about different techniques, Scott was a natural at coaching. Young girls were awed by his love for the ice, and he made boys feel more comfortable about dominating what was considered a feminine sport.

These thoughts were pushed aside as they arrived at the Pound Ridge estate in a minivan, like she had promised. For millionaires who could easily afford a luxurious mansion in Beverly Hills, a country home seemed to be a surprising choice. It was spacious, with 1.8 acres of land, but looked ordinary alongside to most Americans houses. Tessa was nonetheless enchanted by the comfortable home and decided that its appeal was elegant. Their own home in Canada was both vintage and humble, and Tessa was pleased that Blake Lively and her husband had a similar taste in real estate.

The actors welcomed them, and immediately gave them a house tour.

"Thank you for coming all this way," Ryan said. "I had no idea you'd actually agree to this, but I know the kids will just love you."

Although Tessa remained reserved, she had insisted on the trip consequently after Ryan's offer. For the first time, it had been Scott who was hesitant about the decision.

"We don't even know them," he had said.

That didn't matter to Tessa, not today. Fellow Canadians looked out for one another, no matter what. It was like xenia, integral, and something you just did without question.

At the mention of their names, two girls appeared.

James had blonde, untamed curls and much like her sister, shared her mother's blue eyes. She was tall, like her father, as her head bobbed up to Scott's waist.

"Nice to meet you, Mistoe and Missus Moiyo," she said, extending her hand to them.

Tessa didn't correct her, and Blake stifled a laugh.

Scott held her hand and crouched beside her, "It's wonderful to meet you too. What's your name?"

"James," she said. "But you can call me Jamie if you like."

"Well Jamie, you can call us Scott and Tessa."

Inez smiled at them, chanting, "Hello!"

Ryan admired his daughters before explaining the tasks of the day.

"Blake and I will be at the People's Choice Awards until eleven," he said. "There's lasagna on the stove, and please help yourselves to whatever's in the fridge. The girls are usually asleep by eight. Call or text us if you need anything at all."

The girls waved to their parents, and grinned mischievously at Tessa and Scott.

"What we gonna do?" Inez asked.

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