Dead tired!

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"JO!"screeched a familiar voice across the hall. It was mom

"What?" I mumbled rubbing eyes from last nights fiasco at the club.

"Your late for work, you boss Philip just phoned screaming at me because your late!"

The sun streamed in through the curtains of my room. They were black and and little crystals that hung from the bottom, my walls were painted cream and gold, I didn't like my room colour but my mom didn't care she's it's because it's her house. As I crawled out of my bed I heard a screeching noise, making me jump I looked out of my window squinting, and what a surprise it was my farther skidding up to the drive. He hadn't came hone again last night probably drinking I thought myself rolling my eyes.

"Jo I mean it COME ON! I'm not having your boss talk to me like that!"

My mom wasn't usually like this, most of the time she couldn't care less if I was late unless it put her out.

I cringed every time she screamed because she had this really annoying high pitched screech that made my ears ring.

"Ok ok, calm down I'm getting dressed." I said while picking up my phone to check for any calls or texts, and there were billions off of my friends that I worked with, Jacob, Katt, Zac. All of them read come on, where are you, omg our boss is going to kill you!

But as always I just ignored them. I slipped on some black jeggins a tank top and some purple pumps. I picked up my makeup bag, curling tongs and a hair band and stated to walk towards the bathroom that was just opposite my room. I was just about to open the bathroom door when something smashed into my side sending me crashing to the floor! "Me first in the bathroom" A voice shouted into my ear.

It was my sister Lilly she was seventeen and had long blonde hair 5.7ft, thin and very annoying. She was always a feisty thing while the other girls would argue about who's hair was better she would just play on video games and go skate boarding. She was expelled from three schools for constantly beating anyone up who annoyed her (that included me.)

"Look I'm 22 your 17 I'm older than you and I'm late for work and I don't want to go in with bruises and in a bad mood." I tried to reason with her but you can't reason with her.

"I don't care if your older I'm going in first!" She said through gritted teeth.

"Things are gonna get messy if you don't get off me!" I hissed while elbowing her in the side.

"Ha! Yeah things will get messy with you!" She chuckled

"Please? I'm really late I need to go in first." I pleaded with her.

"Ummm... No!" She screeched, head butting me then scurried into the bathroom I through myself at the door but she had already locked the door.

"Ugh..." I sighed to myself. My mom does have an en-suite but it's cramped, but I had no other choice. So I slumped to the en-suite reluctantly.

Before I did anything I washed my face feeling refreshed, I then put eyeliner, mascara and foundation on while brushing my teeth. I battled with my concience wether I dared asked my mom for a lift to work she hated driving through the traffic of Perth.

I managed to pluck up the courage to ask her...

"Mo..." I asked but I was cut off by my mom.

"No I'm not giving you a lift you have your own car!" Snapped my mom not even looking up from her washing up. But I just stood there waiting for her to give in.

"Ugh... Fine come on! But don't ask me again you know I hate the trafic!" Sighed my mom. As I was walking to the door the tv had been left on and I managed to catch a bit of the news something about a major violent outbreak in Canberra. As I watched I felt my jaw drop at the sight off riot vans and police, while people were throwing them selves on other people and police. Then the tv was switched off by my mom, I turned around to see my moms eyes burning into mine so I carried on towards the car.

"Hi dad." I moaned to my farther as I pasted him and his car.

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