The Raven

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It was a bright yet gloomy day
I was unsettled.
What about, I couldn't say.
There were no clouds above me
There were no shadows below me.

I heard a flapping of wings, 
So vigorous like guitar strings.
I turned around and found you,
Your pet raven and friend too.

The glossy black bird hummed,
Your eyes turned dark and cloudy.
My existence you shunned,
Walking past, you saw nobody.

The little boy ran past me
Gleefully and free.
He held a ragdoll
with your features
and a shawl.

After the short walk,
I looked up and saw above me.
Below was the sky
Above me was you
Flying up high.

I wave goodbye
As I walk on by.
So long my sweet memories
Of nothing but sad times.

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