Poetry - Episodes 1 to 4

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All mistakes are mine. Not beta'd. Let me know if there are glaring problems, I want to improve :)

NOTE: Episodes scenes are not set exactly in order in my poem

INSPIRATION: Love by Chance the series

Check out this cute series! The acting and the dialogues are amazing :D

The wonderful OST - Wish by Boy Sompob -  just wouldn't leave me alone. The lyrics and his voice - so heart touching. It's so mesmerizing *w* Boy's songs for many BL series are just so awesome! Check them out if you can :D

Kindly watch the series from the official links, not from re-uploaded sites, please support the creators :) Please don't re-upload on other platforms if you can help it. It will help us get a second season :D
The official links to the episodes can be found in "Love By Chance The Series - International Fan Page" on Facebook


The first time we met was by accident
You literally slammed into me, as if I was waiting for you
You didn't abandon me, you stayed and helped me
As I rode behind you, I felt something new

We met again, accidentally, you saved me from my enemy, the ex lover, the bully
You accepted me though I am gay, not leaving
As I cried, you weren't disgusted because of my tears or that I loved a guy
Trusted him, got into trouble naively, I am left reeling

You punched him for me, troubled yourself for me
Helped me open up to my mom, told me it will be fine
My mom didn't let go of me... You were right and I hoped we'd meet again
But I searched for you, it was not a coincidence, I crossed the thin line

You were so gentle, not at all narrow minded, so gracious
You told me you found my hands, cheeks, skin soft
As if you forgot that I actually liked guys, that I am gay
I was drowning in dark before, you helped me stay afloat

Your friend realized what was happening before us, we didn't
All those signs, I still don't know when I fell
You made me more confident, comfortable, loved safe
And that rainy day was like a warning bell

I was so scared and in pain, I kept calling for you many times
Your words on my lips, though really I couldn't contact you
Yet you came, somehow, I thought I was a burden but no
I wasn't, was I? I realized that I probably needed more of you

It wasn't a dream, no, not my imagination at all
The way you took care of me and tended to my wounds
The way you didn't shrink away when I acted cute
The way you understood though I stayed mute

And prompted me to open up, assuming that you
Were taking advantage of me, I never thought of it that way
I was so happy when your niece told me you missed me
When you got jealous because I told that I liked your friend that day

The way you pulled me away from another girl's prying hands
The way you pulled me closer to yourself and wiped my face
The way you were so caring in front of your friends and teasing
The way you always came to my rescue and tried to match my pace

When you told me that my cheeks belonged to you
Did you even realize where your feelings were heading?
But I was afraid because you are normal unlike me
Didn't want to drag you into the mess, I was dreading

Yet, at the movies, our hands brushed and you leaned closer
My heart stopped, you rubbed our hands together, warming my cold ones easily
Taking them back telling them that you liked holding them when I pulled away
And I wanted to take you home and keep you to myself, so dreamily

And we kissed accidentally, you leaned in closer, for more
I didn't want the past to repeat, I was so damn afraid
Your words and actions, straightforward and direct, helped me
I decided to wait for you, for us, let us take our time, what else do I want truly?



The same work can be found on AO3 with embedded images (from the series) in between 

Please DO NOT REPOST my works without my permission. Kindly ask me before hand for translations. Credit my work/profile Ao3/Wattpad URL without fail. I am on AO3 and Wattpad and Youtube and not on any other platform

Please help me report them if you find my fics somewhere else

Thank you for reading :D Have a nice day! Kindly leave a comment if you have time :)

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