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Its form varies. It could be a demonic being or sickness that is sometimes expected, unexpected.....or EXTREMELY UNEXPECTED. It just popped out of nowhere. Failure is inevitable. We cannot avoid it no matter how perfect we do things, it'll come out to ruin everything. It really feels bad to encounter "Failure". Feeling of giving up and feeling worthless are poisons of failure that start to grow within one's self. Sometimes such feelings stay for long periods of time...or even forever....

Did you know that there's remedy to failure? There are many remedies around. It's up to people how to find theirs. As I experience "Failure"myself, I found two remedies to recover from its poison . These are "Acceptance" and "Forward". No matter how perfect things are, failure seems to come out naturally. It comes out without being expected to sabotage people. Maybe there are reasons why things fail no matter how perfect they are planned. Maybe God is planning something even better. Or it could be lesson in life that must be learned and not be forgotten. Whatever the reason is just "Accept" it. Maybe the success expected was not meant to happen that's why "Failure" interfered. Accept it and move "Forward". Accept what happened, move forward and do better. Failure molds us to be better and be more of what we can be.

Success shouldn't be expected too much. Happenings in this world vary. Happenings are very complex. Happenings in this world are sometimes hard to understand. Sometimes people plan very well and expect success but the opposite happened instead. I guess we should all just do our best in everything without expecting too much. I guess expecting is not bad, doing it too much is.

Aside from the remedies, I also found protection against "failure". However this is not guaranteed to work for all time due to the complexity of happenings. The form of "Plan" varies. It could be a blueprint or a map. "Plan" guides people to which path to choose in reaching success. It is true that failure is inevitable and we cannot avoid it but who on earth wants to let failure happen to them? Nobody does, that's why everyone plans.It is true that failure is unavoidable but that doesn't mean that you'll do nothing and hope that success will come by itself. If we want success we have to exert effort on it. "Plan" is the first step in reaching success.Sometimes it works and run smoothly. However, there are times we unexpectedly choose the wrong path, even if it is according to plan. Truly the occurrences in this world are complex.

I believe in our Filipino saying "Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa." (God has mercy, but he is not a genie. You have to do your part.) I also believe in the bible verse "Do your best and let God do the rest."

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