Where it all started

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~Nobody's Pov~

(Name) woke up to the sound of her alarm. Summer was over and it was her first day of preschool. She pulled the covers over her head as her mother walked into her room to help her get up. "Come on, (Name) it's time for school!" She said enthusiastically. She responded by pulling her blanket further over her head, causing her little toes to be peeking out at the other end. (Name)'s mother knew she was going to regret this later, but if she didn't act soon they would both be late to places the needed to be. (Name) obviously needed to go to school and she needed to be at work by 10:00 a.m. It was currently 9:04 a.m, but better safe than sorry. "(Name), if you don't hurry and get up, the monster in our attic will come down and eat Reggie!" Reggie was their new puppy (Name) had gotten for her birthday. He was a mutt, a mix between a/an (favorite breed) and a/an (2nd favorite breed). "No!" (Name) shot out of bed like a rocket. She bolted down the hall into her bathroom, brushed her teeth, and her mother walked in to put her (Hair length), (Hair color) hair into a high ponytail. She then went back to her room with her, chose an outfit, and got dressed.

~ Time skip through breakfast and the car ride to school, because Deadpool told me nobody wants to go through all that. Personally, I just think he wants to meet you/your character already ;) ~

"Bye mommy!" (Name) said as she unbuckled herself and hopped out of the car. "Bye honey! Have fun! Love you! Be safe! If anyone tr-" (Name) closed the car door. She didn't do it to be rude, she jut wasn't paying attention. (Deadpool: Hah! I told Miranda to add that! Man, people are going to love you because of me! Me: Um, Wade? Deadpool: Yeah? Me: STOP INTERRUPTING THE READER! *tackles while laughing* Deadpool: * Laughs and willingly falls down because let's face it, I can't actually do that*) She was led into the school by her new teacher Ms. Greene. She was young, in her mid 20's and had blonde, curly, shoulder-length hair.


(Name) was sitting at a table coloring a picture of Reggie when a boy with blondish brown hair had sat next to her. Some other students had a look of sympathy on their face. They were worried for her. He was the school bully. No, tormentor was more like it.


I hope you guys like it! Sorry I left it on a cliffhanger but I love giving off suspense to a reader. But don't worry! I'm going to start on the next chapter right now! Bye!

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