Before You Read

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Welcome to my first "Why Don't We" Fan-Fiction!
Before you begin, there are a few things I'd like you to know/be aware of before reading.
•This book contains mature language
•This Book Contains Adult Themes
•This book is fan-fiction, meaning not everything in this book is true. About 99% of it is made up.
•This book is a Jack Avery & O.C (Original Character) Book.
•This book is spell checked and edited (for the most part. Every now and then you might catch an error. But, nobody's perfect.)
•I love feedback!
•Don't be afraid to voice your opinion!
•Do not bully, tease, harass, etc. ANYONE in my comments. You will be reported (if it becomes a recurring issue) and blocked!
•If you need someone to talk to my DM's are ALWAYS open! <3

Broken//Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now