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Allie POV:

Great another day going to school being taunted to no other than my bullies.Everyone thinks they are sweethearts. Yuck. They are the most self-centered people ever.Ugh it disgusts me stupid hormonal little preteen girls worship them. Well you probably think they are sweet and innocent, when they bully me everyday for the past two years. Cameron Dallas. Nash Grier. Carter Reynolds. Matthew Espinosa. Aaron Carpenter. Jack Gilinksy. Jack Johnson. Shawn Mendes. Taylor Caniff.

Those douches are my bullies, or in another words, your 'bae'...Eww..Well today I figured i would skip school and run away because I've seriously had enough of their crap. I've been in misery long enough. I'm going to start new. New everything. My parents obviously don't care about me because once my dad remarried to my step-mom, it's all about her.

My cousin is letting me stay with her until I am old enough. She literally is my favorite person because she knows everything about what I've been through. I can obviously drive but I chose to just leave it here in North Carolina Airport and than let them ship it to me.(idk if they can)

I take another look back at the old town. goodbye. And hopefully forever.

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