Reinvent Yourself - Glow Up

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Bad Habits That Should Be Stopped
- comparing yourself to others
- disliking yourself
- making yourself feel worthless
- pressuring yourself
- complaining and ranting to others about your personal problems
- having a fixed mindset of not wanting to learn from mistakes and not trying new things in order to stay "perfect."
- forgetting about your personal health

Good Habits to Pick Up
- developing a healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise, mind, etc.)
- drinking at least 3-5 cups of water a day
- being there for people
- looking to yourself first to solve a problem
- being responsible for yourself and actions
- building confidence
- build each other up
- developing new hobbies
- doing things for yourself and not to please others
- being supportive and honest
- embracing your flaws
- don't get angry over the small things in life
- learning to embrace change
- think before you make a decision
- try new things, get out of your comfort zone and explore
- accept the past
- set standards but low expectations
- set small goals

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