I'm My Own Problem

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The sun had finally set over The Land of Ooo, and in its place glowed the moon, casting down its glorious and gentle reflections of light. The atmosphere had cooled down, the winds dancing and caressing any exposed skin of Ooo's residents. Perhaps as a sign, a sign that no matter what could ever happen under the night's cold watch, everything stays. Everything changes, yet everything stays.

Marceline The Vampire Queen, on the other hand, cared not for interpreting the signs of nature. She was too upset to pay attention to the cool zephyr flowing around her heated body. She kept her demeanor calm, but as she flew through the dusk sky, the tides of hurt and anger were threatening to overflow the brinks within her mind, and possibly drown her. Not just her, but anyone who was unlucky enough to cross her path.

She neared the Candy Kingdom, the residence of none other than Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum. Though Marceline had a slight dislike for excessive sugar and too many overpowering and headache-triggering shades of pink, the Candy Kingdom had become like her second home. That was only due to the fact that she shared such an intimate relationship with its ruler. But at the moment, she was not in the mood for feeling grateful for who and what was housed in the most beloved place within her heart.

Finally, she reached the castle, and at that point, her nonliving blood was so boiled that she forgot that the calming wind even existed anymore. Forget maintaining a cool demeanor. She was indignant, and in her justification, she had the right to be. She floated down angrily inside the castle gate, passing the gumball guardians easily, as they knew she wasn't a threat. She thought to fly up to the princess's window, but she found her in the castle garden underneath a lamppost, reading a book on a perfectly pink bench. She made her way over to the princess.

Marceline's sudden presence startled the princess, whom in comparison to her resting spot, was also perfectly pink. Adorning her was a pretty pink complexion that matched with her pretty pink princess dress.

"Marceline!" she squeaked.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to read books when it's dark?" the vampire asked with a slight hint of emotion.

"What?" asked the princess, taken aback by the sorry excuse for a greeting.

"Never mind, that's not what I'm here for," said the girl with charcoal-black hair that superbly complimented her blood-red boots, dark jeans, and skin-tight tank top.

"Marceline, is something wrong? You seem-" She was cut off by the dark-haired girl.

"Can you just listen? For once stop trying to analyze every problem you see! Not everything was made to be solved!" Marceline burst.

"I-I don't understand," Princess Bubblegum spoke quietly, calmly, but with concern.

"Then let me tell you, princess." She held out the word princess longer than necessary, slithering her forked tongue out and sounding like a snake. "From the moment we became official, all you've done is hide me. Ignore me, like I was never even there." Like she was a simple breeze that once knew the princess's skin, but was cast away into disregard. "I haven't seen you in months! Have you even once been to my house in the past years? Do I have to keep sneaking into your bedroom at night, only to be sent away because you're so damn focused on your work that you can't keep your eyes open for me for even a second!?"

"Marcy-" The princess was so startled by this confrontation that her eyes began to well with tears. She fought to keep them back.

"I could just bury you in the ground!" the vampire shouted.

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