From me, to you.

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Dear, you:

          You have no idea how much you mean to me. I love everything about you, from your perfect smile to your deep brown eyes. Everything about you is so perfect, yet you don't seem to realize that. Every time I look at you I feel like I've found someone worth my love, but it hurts to know you only see me as a friend. You don't know how much I wish for you to see me as someone to spend your future with, just like I see you.

          I could make you happy, I know that. I will always find a way to make you smile and make your days a little brighter. I will laugh with you through your happy times and cry with you through your bad ones. I will always receive you with a smile and a hug and tell you how much I love you, because you're that important to me. If only you could look at me the way you look at her, I could make all of that happen.

          Even if you can't look at me the way you look at her, I will always be there with you and support you. Even if it means I have to watch you be happy with someone else. Because, for me, your happiness will always be more important to me than my own. I'm happy if you're happy, and that is all that matters now. Perhaps I will be able to move on and be happy on my own in a future.

          I just want you to know that, even though this is an unrequited love, I want you to be happy. I might be selfless, but I honestly don't care. You don't know how much I want you, but I know I can't have you. For your heart belongs to her and I will always be a mere friend. Who would've thought that having a crush on someone would result so painful?

          After you read this, I don't want you to feel pity for me. I decided this on my own knowing the consequences. Don't look at me with different eyes, please. I will bury my feelings deep down and treat you like the friend you've always been. I will still be the same even when my heart is at your hands. I trust you to take good care of it, it's the only one I have.

          With that said I will leave my last words here. Don't worry, I'm not going to die. I was finally able to get this weight off my shoulders and pour my heart out on this letter. You may keep it if you want or you may throw it away. The choice is yours. With my heart on the line, I wish you a happy day and a happy life.

Lots of love.

From, me.

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