Chapter one

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"Why are we moving again?" I asked my mom who was driving. "Come on Finris, it's fine. It's a chance to get a fresh start, besides it's a nice town." My mom said. "But we didn't need to move, we where fine were we where." I said. My mom let out a sigh. "I know you don't like moving around but we needed this. You'll love it here." She said. "But why?! You never say why we need to move so much." I said. "Finris, please. I'm driving." I huffed and sat back in the seat of our old van. It wasn't much but according to my mom it was good enough. We pulled up to a nice looking house that had a Sold sign in the front yard, my mom pulled in and shut the car off. "Alright, we're here." She said. I got out of the car and started grabbing some of the boxes from the van and taking them inside. The moving van pulled up next to the house, the workers started unloading some stuff as I took some boxes up to my new room.

I set the boxes down and went over to the window of the room, it was big so I laid on the window seal and looked out. My mom never said why we would constantly move around but one time she said that it was because of my father. I never knew my father, my mom said he left before I was born but never mentioned his name. I hardly knew anything about my father and my mom didn't like talking about him for some reason. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw a old pick up truck, a group of Kanders inside. One of the Kander wolves sitting in the back of the truck waved at me, I waved back after a bit. I watched the group passed by in their truck, noticing that there was a black cat sitting on the top of the cab seeming not bothered by the wind. Alright, time to chalk that up on the weird chart. I thought to myself. I pulled out my journal that I wrote in where I wrote weird things I had seen in, I called it the 'weird chart'. Group of Kanders in a pickup truck with a black cat sitting on the top of the cab not effected by the wind. I wrote on a fresh page.

A knock at the door made me stand up and walk downstairs, I got to the landing just as my mom opened the door. Standing there was a man, his black and blue hair was poking out of a green top hat, his outfit was the same shade of black and blue as his hair, a green bow tie tied neatly around his neck. The strangest thing about him was his eyes, there were no whites in his eyes and his pupils where black slits in his eyes. "Greetings, I live next door. The name is Thoradale Ashford, but you can call me Thor or Mr. Ashford if you wish." He said. "It's very nice to meet you Mr. Ashford, I'm Holly Tilitha and this is my son Finris." My mother said gesturing to me. "Hello Mr. Ashford." I said bowing to the man. Thor smiled and ruffled my black hair. "You have a lovely son." He said turning to my mom. "Thank you." My mom said. "I have children  myself and three granddaughters. I think my son Dragon Flame is about Finris' age." Mr. Ashford said. "Are they around?" My mom asked. Mr. Ashford nodded and turned around and beckoned, three boys and a girl came over. The girl seemed about eighteen with black and white streaked hair, the oldest boys where around sixteen, one with green and black hair, the other had blue streaked hair. The youngest was around my age with red/orange hair, his clothes where baggy meaning they where probably hand me downs from his older brothers, he also seemed kinda shy but I don't really blame him, I wasn't all that good with people either.

"This is my daughter Thaela, and these are my sons Urik, Aragog, and Dragon Flame." Mr. Ashford said. Three little girls ran up just then and started running circles around Thaela. "And these are my granddaughters Jasmine, Pyres, and Magala." Mr. Ashford said as Thaela tried to wrangle the hyper little girls. My mom laughed a bit and looked at me. "Finris why don't you show Dragon Flame your new room?" She asks. I nodded and we went up to my room, I showed Dragon Flame my room which I was still trying to set up. "So Dragon Flame..." I started but he quickly cut me off. "Please, you can call me D.F. or even Flame. I don't really like my full name." He said rubbing his arm. "Okay, so Flame.... um.... I honestly don't know what to say." I admitted. Dragon Flame shrugged and we just stood in silence for a bit before Mr. Ashford called Dragon Flame. "I should go..." He said. I nodded and Dragon Flame walked out of the room and walked downstairs.

I looked around the room and let out a sigh, I still had quite a bit of stuff to set up. "I should get started on this." I mumbled to myself. With that I walked over to one of my boxes and opened it and started pulling stuff out. "I wonder if I'll even get all my boxes unpacked before we're moving again?" I asked myself. Probably not, we'll see. I thought to myself.

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