Chapter One

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Inhaling the damp, humid air of the previous days of rain showers Amaya sighed. It was the end of summer and fall was just waiting around the corner. The sun was setting earlier and the warm weather was slowly vanishing. Abbey and Amaya had been dared to enter this abandoned house and of course Amaya took the dare with ease and dragged Abbey with her. They had walked through the unpleasant humidity and Amaya’s hair could easily beat Hermione’s hair in a craziness battle in a heartbeat. Looking upon the house it actually did not look entirely creepy, but you could definitely tell that it has been uninhabited.

“Hey you should go first Abbey.” Amaya said pushing her friend in front of her. Abbey stumbled towards the door, shaking slightly from her nervousness, “Maybe we should go back, I don’t know if this is a good idea.” Abbey spoke quietly as she faced her friend.

Amaya smiled at the girl and spoke “There’s nothing to be afraid of, no one lives here anyways unless there are some homeless people crashing inside.” Abbey sighed and hesitantly opened the front door of the house. “Stop treating it as if it is a horror movie.” Amaya laughs giving her a nudge. “If you do not wanna go I will just go.” Amaya moves into the house and does a dramatic twirl. “See it is safe!” Abbey let out a worried sigh and entered the house with her friend, closing the door behind her. She looked at her friend, “How long are we supposed to stay in here?” she questioned her companion, Amaya pondered that question for a minute before responding “I think just for tonight.” the red haired girl smiled happily, “Thank God it’s not longer.” Abbey spoke happily. Amaya grinned and looked around at the room that they were in. The paint on the walls were chipped and cracked from age, the table and furniture covered in a layer of dust.

Amaya grabbed her friends arm and dragged her around the house “Let’s go explore!” she said excitedly. The house was quite bigger than Amaya was expecting so she was excited to explore. There was a lot of old fashioned decorations with even some victorian looking design. You could definitely tell that the house had belonged to someone wealthy. Abbey sneezed with the large amount of dust in the old abandoned house. “Don’t you think that it is a bit weird that furniture is still in here if it is abandoned?” The sneezing girl questioned. “Well, sort of. I mean maybe the person that used to live here was running away from this place because they were caught with a…” Amaya took a second and an idea popped up in her head. “...Meth lab!” Abbey chuckled at her friends idea of the past owner. After a while they decided to check out the rest of the house, they made their way through the dusty kitchen and opened the backdoor to find a massive unkempt garden, wilted flowers laid across the old stone path, the bushes were nothing but dead branches.

“Isn’t this lovely? A creepy, abandoned house with dead plants is always a good sign.” Sarcasm laced Amaya’s words as she looked at the garden with a disgusted face. Abbey nodded in agreement “I think that is enough of the garden for one day” Abbey turns around gesturing at Amaya to leave too. “Agreed.” Amaya said venturing back into the house. “Hey I think we missed a room when we were exploring” Amaya says pointing at a room with a fancy door.

The two girls looked at the door with curiosity, the doors color and design didn’t match the other doors in the house. Amaya extended her hand towards the door and grasped it’s fancy brass handle. She looked at her friend with excitement in her eyes, Abbey nodded at Amaya as if to signal her to open the mysterious door. On cue Amaya fixed her gaze to the door and slowly turned it’s brass colored knob. The door creaked loudly as Amaya opened the door, hoping to find something interesting inside, all the two saw was a few dusty old coats. Amaya frowned at this discovery, “How dull, nothing good inside.” just as Amaya was about to close the door her friend stopped her “Look!” Abbey exclaimed as she pointed at something inside the dark closet, a coat was moving slightly as if something was struggling to free itself from its dusty prison.

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