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Name: Nova Claireese Beckman

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Name: Nova Claireese Beckman

Age: Depends

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Age: Depends

Portrayer: Kylie Devyn

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Portrayer: Kylie Devyn

Personality: Laid Back and fun

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Personality: Laid Back and fun. Somewhat an introvert. Talkative and caring

Likes And Dislikes: Likes fuzzy blankets and sweats

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Likes And Dislikes: Likes fuzzy blankets and sweats.Loves music and her family/Friends.  Dislikes obnoxious people. Being behind slow drivers. People yelling and fighting with each other.

Backstory: Nova was practically raised by her older sister, Cali. Her parents didn't get along and so nova found many nights as a kid or teen over at a friends house. She is in contact with both of her parents but they still don't get along from the past

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