My crush

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Dear J:

      I have had a crush on you for sometime now. I don't know exactly when it started, and I don't know why it started. It could of started in fourth grade or in sixth. I remember telling you once but the only answer I get from you is, "I know." Why couldn't you have just told me that you liked me back? But, even in that moment I still had a crush on you.
  We ended up going to different schools for high school, and I thought I would of never saw you again, but then you kept showing up at the grocery store while I was there. It made it more difficult for me to stop having a crush on you.
   Couple of years down the road and I am good, I have a new crush, but I end up seeing you at the water park. I have now realized that I still like you. I thought it would be easy to get rid of a crush but it's not as easy as it sounds.
   Two years later and I am doing better. The other crush got a girlfriend, so I came to terms that I will never have him as a boyfriend, but just as I was focusing on school, you show up out of nowhere. I thought I would have been okay, but now I like you even more.

My crush, is there any way that you might have a crush on me also?

Your secret admirer.

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