my dumb ass fucking dad

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oh my god please kill me . i honestly cant deal with my fucking dad . when i was young my father was irrelevant on my life. i maybe saw him for thirty minutes in the morning and maybe for ten minutes in the afternoon it was great he was always gone  at night so i became very attached to my mom but then last year he quits his job to go work with his best friend so when he came back he expected to be a big part of my life and now he acts like hes my friend and just ignores the fact that he was gone my entire life like THATS FUCKING BULLSHIT he still doesnt understand that my mom is my BEST friend and that i talk to her about everything and we joke around and kind of rudely like we say stupid and shut up to eachother with out it bothering us but he takes ot offensively and it pisses my off SO FUCKING MUCH . any way im just ranting because i have no one to rant to so if your reading this have a nice day//or night 🔥

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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my ranting BULLSHIT **** fucking kill me ****Where stories live. Discover now