In The Dark Of The Night

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I sit across the room from them. It lays still in the bed un-moving, as still as a stone. Then a Russell as it sits up. It speaks in a heavy-hearted tone "Your still here". It moves off the bed and to the dresser. "You know I can't sleep when your around," it says to me. I watch as it goes into the kitchen the floors creaking. It walks out the door and I follow it. Down the dark path illuminated by the broken and dull lamp post. The wind blowing the trees around until they creak. The moon just a sliver in the sky. It shivers as the wind blows the leaves past its face. The light from a particularly bright lamp post catches on the object in its pocket and it shines. I follow him up a path to a door and the key slides in. The door creaks open and it leaves it open. The crisp cool air fills the house as he slinks up the stairs. Each stair creaks as the pressure of its foot touches it. The door handle is cold to the touch turned and the door silently swung open. The darkness expanded from me, engulfing the room in a pitch black lace curtain. The sounds from the outside world slowly become silence. I walk to the corner and it steps off the threshold white footprints follow him as he walks to the bed. She is sleeping unmoving there, the darkness trapping her to this world. "You need to let her go, or it will tear you apart" I reply in a soft monotone voice. "I know" it whispers as it reaches out with all its arms and takes the sharp shiny object out of its pocket and cuts the darkness. She doesn't awaken as the last string is cut. In a flash of bright light, they are both gone. 'Good' I think 'their both free from this world. As many of these things should be but can't unless they find someone to help set them free. Someone with a good heart that has had more than enough of their fair share of the troubles of this world. For I help set them all free.' The darkness subsides and goes away fading into the night. 

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