Peter Parker: I

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"Would you like to go to the Homecoming dance with me?" He asked, his straying hand coming to rest at the back of his neck.

My stomach churned inside me. On the one hand, Peter was my best friends, and I didn't want to actually admit to my feelings for him, and then fall apart and have lost him. I hadn't gotten much in the way of best friends as the daughter of Tony Stark. I mean, I lived in the goddamn Avengers tower for gods sake, and Peter was one of the only outsiders that were allowed to come there, as Spider-Man. But on the other hand... well, I've never been asked out for starters(I have a growing theory that is partially due to my over protective father), but I'll admit I've imagined Peter asking me out several times, and I liked the idea of us going to the dance together. And I mean, it's just a dance right? If we actually do like each other, maybe we can explore it more. If not... well, I'm sure just the one dance will only be a fond distant memory if we don't keep going. We'd still be friends, right?

"Sure, Pete." I finally consented. "I'd love to. Do you want my dad to drive us?"

"Alright _____(Y/N)," He said, grinning ear to ear. "I'll see you tonight."

"Avengers Tower." I clarified.

"Avengers Tower," he agreed, then walked off, visibly trying to not show his excitement, but once he rounded the corner, I heard a delighted laugh and then a thud, as I think he tried to jump in the air and didn't land right. Who would have thought that the Spider-Man would have been the clumsiest dork in the entire world.


"Hey Dad," I said, as I got in the car next to him, throwing my red white and blue backpack on the floor. Okay, maybe it wasn't the most mature backpack that I could have chosen, but it was sort of an inside joke between Steve Rodgers, Bucky Barnes, my dad and myself. Buck got it for me as an I'm sorry gift, the first time someone had made me laugh besides Pete since Germany.

"Hey kiddo." He greeted, turning off his phone and looking at me, and I knew something was up. Almost nothing could make my dad turn off his phone and have  an actual conversation without a screen somewhere.

"What's up?" I asked, a little apprehensively.

"Did Pete do it?" He asked excitedly.

I stared at him, a combination of suspicious and confused. "Do what?"

"Did he ask you to the Homecoming dance or not."

I sat there stunned. In the front seat, Happy gave it a little more gas as we merged onto the high way. Then I finally moved my gaze down to my lap and admitted, "Yeah, he did, Dad."

He patted Happy on the shoulder. "Told ya he'd do it Haps! Pay up!"

"Wait," I cried, "you bet on this?"

Dad laughed. "Of course _______. Maybe a week ago, Pete came and asked me if it was ok if he asked you to the Homecoming."

"Oh god." I muttered under my breath. "Please tell me you didn't harass him about it."

"I'm your dad ______. There's no way I'm not going to harass him about it. But if you are going to be going to the dance with someone, I'm glad it's him."

I rolled my eyes, but he kept adding on.

"He also did it in front of the entire Avengers, so..."

"Wow." I mused. "I never thought Peter would be that-"

"But you said yes, right?" He cut in.

"Yes, of course I said yes, dad."

He laughed. "Okay, good. Because you and Peter together just won me sixty bucks."

"Oh shut up."

The rest of the short drive we spent in silence, with an occasional chuckle out of my father. You'd be surprised how open Tony Stark is behind closed doors.


To be continued...

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