How It Began

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29th December 1999 I was born to a loving family and not a care in the world the usual baby stuff. Crying, vomiting, pooing, eating and sleeping all on a daily basis. Quite a boring life for a few years if you think about it apart from the fact you get spoilt rotten and lots of attention. Then you grow up and kind of get pushed to the side as soon as your sibling or cousin comes along. Well that happened to me I am the middle child the child who gets pushed away and is not given any attention at all. I was lucky if I even got a birthday card or my mum or dad saying Happy Birthday Emma, that's me by the way, it was all very rare. I felt left out like I'd been dishoned and nobody cared. Well everyone except my great-grandmother (Lilia) she cares for me when I was growing up.

She paid for my clothes, my food, my school supplies and basically everything you could think of. When I was old enough to make my own decision I decided to leave my home and move in with my great-grandmother. This was literally the best decision of my life she love me I loved her. My life was like a fairytale with her I was spoilt and felt special but like everything in life things come to an end and it is devastating when it becomes someone you loves turn.

On the 13th February 2016, my great-grandmother Lilia passed away. It was so tragic I cried myself to sleep for months and months after she died. I was by myself no one to help me through this difficult situation my family didn't even care that she was dead she only had me, her friends and her brother and sister. Her funeral was beautiful everything she would have wanted. Her favourite song 'Just the way you are' by Bruno Mars played as she was carried down the church and lily petals were scattered everywhere in front of her to show her final trip on this earth. I said a few words, my great-uncle said a few words and my great-auntie said a few words. We sung some of her favourite songs before we travelled to the grave yard not far from the church. 'Goodbye I will never forget you, I love you' I  whispered as she was lowered into the ground. Ever since that day I have felt empty worthless and like a piece of me was missing.
My heart was broken. I had no one!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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