Moral support from teachers

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Does anybody else just hate a certain teacher? For me that teach is my science teacher. She expects us to be perfect! And I mean perfect! It's barely the beginning of the school year I already feel like she's out to get me... although I doubt I'm the only one. But anyway today was a short day, and I mean really short. We got out at 11:30 and our science teacher wanted us to create a cover, keep in mind that the cover was due the week before but since so may of us fail it turned into an extra credit assignment that we didn't have to do. But what I'm trying to say is that this extra credit assignment was a not a requirement, we didn't have to redo it. ( yes, I know I'm repeating it a lot but it's important) but today she had almost half of the class come in after school, she was going to discuss parent teacher meetings. Early that day she said, and I quote " right now, right off the bat, I know that you're going to be a trouble maker" and that shocked me! If you went to almost any other teacher I've ever had, they would tell you that, sure, I like to talk a lot, and I mean a lot, but I'd get everything done and I wouldn't complain about a final grade or anything and by the end of the school year, all my grades on the really important tests would be at least average or above. I lacked consistency but when it really mattered I pulled through. But back to what happened, after she said that I wanted to cry. Plain and simple, I wanted to cry, I didn't, but I really wanted to and it took almost all my self control not to, but from that moment was hoping against all odds that someone would help me because I didn't want to do a parent conference, but, I needed to rant. So at my next class, I did just that, well kinda, I told my friend about it, Dessertgirl101 , but she wanted to rant about something which I'm not gonna talk about, so I let her rant. Skippy to the end of school I went to my science teacher's classroom and I felt, for lack of a better word, like I was suffocating, I felt like I was unable to breath, and yet I was breathing just fine, I guess it was just an internal panic, but there was a crushing pressure in my chest that I was going to get in trouble for not doing an extra credit assignment. Then there came my math teacher (the 8th grade math teacher) and the science teacher asked if he was surprised about anyone that was there. He pointed at me and said, " that one". And the best events made me so happy. She said he could deal with me and that I didn't need a parent-teacher conference. So we went to get the other math teacher and when we went to get her she was with the computer technology teacher and... well that started telling me that they weren't disappointed in me but that they expected me to be able to do better, which is basically the same thing. And midway through I felt a tear fall. The only reason I noticed it was because it fell on my arm. And another tear fell, then another. I was crying. And no, it wasn't because I was nervous ( although earlier that day I had felt like vomiting ) but I guess it was because I realized something, they really did want to help, they said they would support me as long as I made the right decisions. And I knew that they meant what they were saying. So I walked out after they told me to redo the project because they knew I vas capable of doing better than the original result. And sitting here at home, hours later, mind you, I'm still crying. Because I'm that moment I was happy to know that there were people that would support me outside of my family and friend group.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm trying to write this and I'm crying! I wasn't living when I said that I was still crying.i also have to start on my homework so, umm, see ya?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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