Strike - Chapter 1

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     I read too many of these FanFictions and I wanted to make a recent one. So, here we go . . . I guess.

Plus, eventually, there will be a cover picture that I MYSELF drew.



[Onodera's POV]

     I woke up, not necessarily in a bad mood, but not in a happy one either. Of course, this was due to the fact that I just woke up, but it was also the beginning of a new cycle at Marukawa Publishing. 

     I suppose I should be feeling great about the last cycle ending. Well, I've tried, only to be met with failure as the result. Who can blame me, just the thought of re-living the end of a cycle is Hell, and right now, I'm hit with the reality that I'm going to have to go through that experience again, followed by many more times. This is the life I live now, I guess. Especially with my boss/neighbor/"lover" always by my side.

     Okay, I admit there are some feelings in my heart for Takano, but I just can't convince myself enough to act on them. I realize and understand how much it's probably hurting Takano, and it pains me so, but I don't think I can handle another heart-break. Though, I don't think Takano would do that to me, honestly, it's just that there are always doubts in my head. No matter how much distraction I try to pull myself into, there aren't any signs of them fading. 

And let's not forget that it's overly embarrassing to admit one's love to someone!

     Forget it, get your head out of this stupid trance, I don't have time for this anyways.

     Keeping my previous thoughts at bay, I began to dress for work. Stumbling my way through the stuff on the floor, I randomly picked and wore some white jeans and white flannel under a (Quite Loose) black sweater. Rushing to my fridge, I grabbed an energy drink and spun around to look at the time.


     Great! I had hoped I would come to work a little earlier than this, maybe around 7:30 or something. Whatever, at least I'm not running late. Reassuring myself multiple times, I slipped on my shoes (after drinking the rest of my beverage) and hurried to the elevator.

     The elevator doors closed without interruption. I guess Takano went to work ahead of me, doesn't really make a difference. I mean, I can still see him at work.

     Waaaah! What am I thinking, that's not what I meant! Wait, why am I trying to prevent a misunderstanding, I know what I meant! Aaaagh, fine! I don't care, so what if I'm a-a . . . little excited t-t-to . . . see T-Takano . . . . ! Why am I so damn cheesy . . . ? 

     I can feel a bit of heat rush to my cheeks just as the elevators open. Trying to keep my cool, I began to walk in the direction of the train station. Occupying my thoughts with idiotic subjects, I finally reached the train, right on time too. 

     I sat down on an empty seat next to a young boy. I must of looked funny because he kept staring at me, I did forget to check myself in a mirror to see if I looked appropriate. I eventually became too curious about it and asked him what was up. I couldn't help but jump a little too as he almost fell out his seat in surprise.

     "Oh, nothing." He spoke, scratching the back of his head as he awkwardly avoided eye-contact with me. "It's just, you seemed kind of squishy." Okay, now he was confusing me, I showed this thought as I tilted my head a bit.

     I mean, come on, who the hell describes a person as "squishy," it even made me chuckle a bit. Oh wait, I quickly cover my mouth in shock at my small bit of emotion. This made the man smile, which pursued the redness in my face from embarrassment.

     I quickly say, "U-umm, so would you mind telling me what you mean by the description 'squishy?'" His smile deforms a bit as he moves his head away from my direction once again.

     "Oh, well . . . I see how that would sound weird." He says, nervously laughing quietly before continuing. "I meant that you're face looked kind of, . . . what do you call it? Oh! Cute!" My mouth couldn't help but drop a bit, my lip quivering in the process. Damn it, compliments aren't something I get on an everyday-bases, let alone from a stranger.

     In an attempt to cover my embarrassing actions, I cover my mouth with the back of my hand. I continuously cussed at myself for the very visible blush on my face. I glance back at the guy, taking in his appearance. Brown hair, green eyes with a strap-bag, he seemed to be in his early-twenties. 

     It was obvious he was taken back by my reaction as he became a little worried. 

     "Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to sound weird. I just thought that it was interesting how red your fac-"

     "No no, it's fine, it just caught me off guard. I really don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not, but thanks . . . ?" Why did I just say that?! I feel stupid, I shouldn't have said thanks! Deciding whether or not I should say something more, the man interrupted my thoughts with a cheerful voice.

     "You're welcome!" He finally looked me in the eyes and smiled sweetly. If anything, this man was the cute one. "Oh, this is my stop. Well, bye, and Happy Halloween." He rose to his feet and waved his hand towards me. I copied the movements and whispered a small goodbye back.

     The whole ride to my stop, I took control of my face temperature and my composure eventually returned. My breathing was still slightly off, but nothing too noticeable. For some time, I contemplated whether or not I wanted to know why he said that, but it was far too late anyways, we're probably miles apart by now.

     Finally clearing my mind, I headed in the direction of the company. Jogging to my destination, I stepped into the elevator, and that's when it hit me.

     Today is Halloween?!


     Why hello there, I just wanted to say - I have an annoying bump/itch on my neck.

Okay, I really hope there aren't too many mistakes that prevent you from enjoying. I will make longer chapters, hopefully. I won't promise to constantly update, but have patience.

Bye . . . . ?

- [GayorNot/Emily] -

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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