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I saw you across the room, in the arms of another man.

It's been a while since we parted ways, said goodbye to something before it even started.

If it weren't for Lara, our common friend who finally tied the know with John.

Thank heavens that they invited you... and your plus one... and me, with mine..

It's been a while, Maine...

I thought I was over you, 'cause really, I should be over someone who was never really mine to begin with, right?


So here we are at the reception.

The coordinators must have known something about us, seating us in opposite sides of the room, probably anticipated the tension.

Or the would-be questioning eyes of our common friends if they see us together again tonight.

Hi's, Hello's, and the rest of the program is a blur, as I recall all the times we spent together.

We were young.

And carefree.

Dancing to "Youth", one of your favorite songs, played over and over again in our own secret garden under the stars.

And our kiss, that night...

How your lips tasted like cherry coke...

I stare at the drink in my hand as I stand by the bar, trying to control myself to go near you.

Because, what would I say?

That I miss you? Psh..



I can't.

So I look away.

Away from your big brown eyes.

Away from your cherry coke lips.

Away from all the boxed-up feelings that are trying to resurface again.

I remind myself why it can't be us. Not anymore.

That ship has sailed and we lost our chance.


The party is over, and the guests are starting to leave after saying their well wishes to the newlyweds.

I want patiently for my plus one so we can also head home, and I see you, walking towards me.

Hand in hand with your new lover, who's probably treating you well, much better than I did before.

I bet he has time for you.

I bet his world stops for you.

I bet you make his heart beat as fast as you make mine.


Made mine.

You nod at me, and smile slightly, without a hint of regret or longing.

Nothing like the feeling of a burning lump in my heart that's about to burst.

I smile back, successfully holding back the urge of pulling you close as you pass by me.

I turn my head towards your direction as you walk away, and I see you stopping yourself from looking back.

It's for the best, I think, to leave things like this...

I know you won't be able to tell you, that I am now ready.

Ready for you, for us.

I can't tell you anymore.

I can't show you anymore.

I can't.

He's the better man, and that's the truth.

And I know you already chose him, and the battle is over before it began.

That blinding rock on your finger says it all.

So goodbye, my almost lover.


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