A sad demise

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  Sometimes I think of the days to come , the time when your youth slips from your hands like sand , the days when you get old , mature and in fact ; Alone .

 It starts with you losing the people you love the most ; your parents , then your siblings , your spouse , sometimes your children and your friends . How would it feel to let them all go , one by one . To see all the happy and sad times that you had together , go six feet under. When you also know that its your and everyone's ultimate fate but what is more painful ? Death or dying alone.. 

In a dark room , where the only sound you can hear is the ticking of a wall clock - implying the little time that is left to see . With each of your breath becoming harder and harder to get , remembering all the people you once had in your life , with a tearful smile . Wouldn't that be a sad , sad demise ?  

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