The Girl and The Dragon

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In the mist of darkness, a still creature lay. Its bright orange eye slide from side to side, watching the clad of people before him. The glossed black scales lining its body blended in well with the surrounding environment, and its breath drew in heavy; just loud enough for the creature to hear. Its wings folded back as it listened to the conversation before it.

"You can't say that! The beast and that girl have got some of the most cunning minds I know!" the one called Norman exclaimed. "You see, the myth is true. The beast and its master are out there, catching our every word. They are one step ahead of us. They both have a way of knowing, I am sure. She must have one hell of a cunning beast to out-smart us like this. We need a new plan. We must expect the worst. For all we know, they might show us tonight at the challenge."

"And what is this plan you propose?" another said.

"I'm glad you asked, Oakley," he said, a grin reaching his ears. "We kill the girl during the contest at noon tomorrow."

It was all the creature needed; he had heard enough. Carefully it stretched its large wings, took a light pounce, and flew silently into the shadows.

It landed with much urgency beside its master. She mingled in well amongst the others. She was proud and chaotic; the best kind. Her eyes scattered themselves over the place where she now stood, and her dark hair laid itself in a braid across her left shoulder. Her elegant figure showed no mercy. Together her and her dragon made light work of crooks.

She shifted her attention, waiting to hear the findings from her beloved creature. He was large and one of the most feared creatures in the realm. His mouth was large enough to swallow a man whole, spitting out the bones afterwards. She liked his slight reddish tips on the tips of his wings. The colour contrasted well against his glossy black scales. As the beast drew in close to its mistress, he began to recall the news.

She nodded. Knowing exactly what to do.

She marched herself, with her beast in tow, towards the stadium. A large crowd had gathered already; dirt covering most of their faces. A duel would begin soon. The best against the best; a fight to the death. All the best Dragon Masters would show. It was a true duel of strength and power. Whoever one, became the most feared, and held a great position of power amongst the military.

Two faces showed themselves to her. They sat at the far end of the stadium, just specs amongst the dirt. She knew they weren't expecting her – or her dragon.

Disaster was about to begin, but she had a fire breathing, intelligent beast by her side. He would strike them down for her, for it knew she was taking the law into her own hands.


This short story is in response to the #HonorBound prompt for #JustWriteDay. So I encourage you all to enjoy a little piece of fantasy work!! 

Word Count: 498

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