"The Unspoken"

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"The Unspoken"

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Hi my name is Dahlia and I'm not your everyday teenager because this summer i find out a secret that will turn my life upside down and around.

It started on July 11th 2012. I was getting ready for school for a normal Tuesday at Swanson High School. When i got to class I was running late and to make it worse someone was sitting in my seat. When i told him that he was siting in my seat he was acting like i wasn't just in front of him.

After class i went up to him and asked

"why did you ignore me in a class " I questioned .

"because i couldn't be bothered talking to you" he replied

"so anyway did you move here or something " I said proudly

"why do you want to know anyway?" he said

" NO reason just wondering"I said raising my voice.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

I ran to class this time getting my seat i got out my math book writing down algebra equations. Half way through the test i found myself drooling on my book.By the time the bell went I had my head in my book fast asleep. I had to get woken up by that new kid.

"so anyway what's your name mine is Dahlia yes like the flower "I explained

"I'm Talon "he replied

I've got a free period want to hang out at the library" I said

"Nah sorry maybe another time but I've got to get to footy practice" he said

1 HOUR LATER.....................................

Ding Ding Ding

I make my way to the cafeteria to get lunch and catch up with Saskia.

MINUTES LATER....................

"Over here Talon" I said

as he made his way over here i introduced him to Saskia and invited him to sit down and eat with us at our table.

After the bell ..............................

We ran to our next class which was french. I can't say I'm much of a fan of french Talon is thinking the same thing as well because we were screwing our faces up In the same way.

I ran to get my favourite seat before some other new kid sat there.

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