Jungkook's POV

7:03 am, The Jeon Residence

I woke up with a splitting headache- the memories from last night were hazy, but haunting. It was nothing new, really. Jimin usually found a way to convince me to go partying with him along with the other hyungs. Each time he found an excuse dumber than the last- I believe last nights' was, 'it's the anniversary of the day Yoongi dyed his hair mint green.' And although no one could deny how much that phase affected us all, it was still a lousy excuse to wake up feeling like a thousand knives were repeatedly being stabbed into my forehead.

I rolled out of bed and landed with a loud thump on the ground- the effects of my countless gym sessions ever since I was told I needed to start training by the council were evident in the sound. I thought about the times I felt like dying while training to be, in the most simplistic terms, a superhero as I made my way to the bathroom. That period of my life was a blur of pain, sweat and bliss. Pain from endless bench presses and weight lifts, sweat from attempting to master Ju-Jitsu- which I was later told I wasn't perfect at until I, 'won the battle from within first,' and bliss from finally being able to use my powers. I remember soaring through the sky and lifting random cars at the City Junkyard just to see if it were all real.

After showering and picking out an outfit for school- which unsurprisingly consisted of a white T-shirt, slightly faded blue jeans and Timberlands- I bolted down the stairs and decided to sneak past my snoring mom, knowing she'd only pester me about my appearance or not having breakfast. By Seven O'clock I was out the door. With only twenty minutes to get to school- I decided to jog a little faster than usual and skip my morning coffee.


7:34 am, Incheon International High School

By the time I reached school, I was breathless and had a stitch in my left side. Don't get me wrong, I worked out a ton and it did pay off, but I've been slacking at the gym recently to get extra hours out at night. If anyone were to ask me why, I'd immediately tell them it was because I found it tiring- but in reality it was because of that superhero. The graceful masked being that had the power of invisibility and charm speak, as far as I'd observed. Both incredibly sexy superpowers if you asked me.

I decided to take my time getting to my first class, History, as I was already late and my professor was exceptionally kind. As I entered a bunch of heads turned, all except one. The teacher along with most of the students eyed me with curiosity. Mr. Kim raised one of his perfectly pampered eyebrows- one of the many features most of the girls and some of the guys at my school had a heart attack over. Kim Seok Jin was a celebrity among the brainless youth here.

"You're late mister Jeon." He spoke in a tone I could only assume meant he didn't give a single shit. His words made the one head that wasn't looking before finally turn around. Our eyes locked as he lifted his beautiful mess of blond hair off the window. Dark, rich brown eyes that looked as though melted chocolate was poured over a steaming cup of coffee stared into mine. I blinked and he gave me a small smile of uncertainty before turning around, deciding the trees outside our campus were more interesting than our staring contest.

Kim Taehyung. Most of the school knew who he was- he was undeniably infamous for being utterly gorgeous and mysteriously quiet. I've heard his name being thrown around a few times as I've walked down halls, girls vowing they'd ask him out, teachers asking other teachers what their experience with him was like and even my best friend, Jimin, asking if he should invite him to one of his many parties. We've never spoken since the school year began, and I've only acknowledged him through the stolen glances and locked gazes once in a while.

"Hello?" Mr. Kim snapped his long, graceful fingers in front of my eyes to get my attention, "Mr. Jeon I asked you a question."

"I apologise, Mr. Kim. I didn't feel quite myself this morning..." I bowed to show respect, and he just shook his head and gestured for me to sit next to the only person with an empty seat beside them. Kim Taehyung.

I trudged through the maze of desks as Mr. Kim continued his lecture on Hitlers' demise without any further interruption. Upon reaching the desk next to Taehyung, he barely spared me a glance as I not-so-gracefully plopped down into the chair, making sure to sigh extra dramatically as I did, secretly looking over at the boy from the corner of my eye. Nothing.

I reached into my backpack and pulled out my textbook, slamming it upon the desk with as much force possible without alerting the teacher, causing the boy to jump a little. He then turned around a looked me dead in the eye, obviously irritated. What the actual bloody hell are you doing, Jeon?

He took out an earphone and spoke in a velvety deep voice that shook me to my core. I was not expecting that sound to match such a pixie-like face, and as he did speak I couldn't help but memorise the sound of every syllable he uttered, as Kim Taehyung speaking was something quite rare.

"What's the matter, Jeon? Princess didn't get his morning Starbucks today?" He said, his words dripping with sarcasm. I choked on my spit, causing him to smirk discreetly.

I took a deep breath and replied with all the intelligence I could muster at that particular time.


"Look man, I didn't get much sleep last night so it would be nice if you didn't make so much noise right now, kapeesh?"

I raised an eyebrow, "And what could you be doing to not get enough sleep? It's not like you could be partying with friends or whatever, as it doesn't look like you've got much..."

His next words were spoken with the corner of his mouth inches upwards, a ghost of a smile tracing his lips.

"Yeah, whatever sweetheart."

He then decided our 'conversation' was consuming too much of his precious time, and continued to stare at the mini-forest growing outside the glass window he was currently fogging up, plugging his earphones back in.

I shrugged and tried not to look affected but the pet name that seemed to have slipped his lips out of habit did not go unnoticed- I shrugged off the tingly feeling in my chest as unfamiliarity and confusion. An hour passed when I found myself sitting up at the sound of the pleasant chiming bell, running to meet up with my small group of friends- preparing mentally to relay my embarrassing encounter with the boy.


Add me on insta; chickenandsarcasm

Edited; I'll be travelling in a bit but will post in moderation- thanks for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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