The Blame

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   I always felt awkward living in this body, like it wasn't mine to began with. I was always nervous, especially around people. So I bite my nails. I was also diagnosed with borderline autism when I was 7. Word got around, kids started to call me a retard, even a few teachers. It was devasting! I stopped talking to people. At the age of 10, I thought of suicide off and on. I even had fought with other students who picked on me and have taken advantage of me. However their parents was on their side. So I had therapies. Now it's at the end of my 8th grade year and it's the last day.
Kids look at me funny and whispers as I pass them to my locker. "It's the nerd," a girl says. I ignore them. I just keep my head down as I walk to my locker. I figured I won't get into trouble that way. I open the locker door and look into the mirror. I do look like a typical nerd with glasses, button up shirt, and a long skirt. I rather be a goth than a nerd, but my parents wouldn't allow it. They're the ones who picked out the outfit. They even named me after Sleeping Beauty. I hear a yell behind me. I jump. A severly autistic boy moans and slobbers as his shadow marches him to special ed class. I cannot help it but feel sorry for him. I hear my locker door slam behind me and I jump again. Johnny, the biggest bully in school! "There's your boyfriend, Sleeping Beauty! Go join him, retard!" He tease. THAT DOES IT!!! I throw him against the locker and stop myself from hitting him. "Go on! Hit me!" He says laughing. Instead of hitting him, I yell, "Fuck you!" I let go and walk off, kids laughs at me. Bell rings right when I walk into English class. According to the board, we are reading Frankenstein. Yes! It should be easy since I already know the story., well kinda. I watched the told Frankenstein back then, but that was long ago. All I remember is that I felt sorry for the monster. We read through it and the bell rings. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I finish using the bathroom and walk put of the stall. Johnny pushes me against the wall. He puts his hand up my crotch and slips his middle finger up my vagina. "YOU'RE NOT-" I say, then he put his hand on my mouth. "You said, "Fuck you" to me. So fuck me!" He yells. I scream but his hand muffles it. He slides his finger in and out of my vagina. "Come on! Fuck me back!" He say. It feels kinda good. No! Wait! I kick him in the nuts and he yells. A teacher comes in. "What happened?" She asks. "I caught her trying to set fire to the bathroom," he say as he shows her his lighter. "What?! No!" I shout. "Come with me, young lady," she say. She marches me up to the principal. "Sit!" She says and walks off. I sit down in a chair. I start biting my nails. The principal comes in and sit down at his desk. "Now this is the 100th time you got into trouble," he says. "But-" I start. "No buts! Since this is just the last day, you will serve detention," He says back at me. "Aw... This sucks!" I yell. In detention, I think about the times I was picked on. A girl once put him in my hair. A boy stole my lunch after I started trusting him. I sigh and bite my nails. Then the bell rings.

   Mom was waiting for me in the living room when I walk through the door, smoking. "The principal called," she says. "I know. Apparently I own a god-damn lighter," I say. "This is serious, Aurora!" She say back. "Don't you get it?! I will never have a normal life!" I cry and storms up the stairs, passing dad. "Hi," he says, puzzled. I walk into my room and slams the door. He asks my mom what happened and talks about it. "I don't know what to do," she says. I cry into my pillow until I fall asleep. It takes a lot of energy to cry. I don't feel like talking about school.

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