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keith had to leave his knife behind thanks to shiro telling him to leave it and left later on keith was allow to stay and there was no blood test. after trying to fight zarkon the team left but when they went to fight the galra again keith didnt listen and red was blast into a planet. keith got out of red after awhile he was told to stay but he went off to fight solider who were trying to get near red. the battle was push far away and when black came he took red leaving keith stuck and fighting for his life. when everyone of the solider was down, keith was losing blood fast but decide to walk, he walk aleast 2 miles when he fell and was losing conscious. the last thing keith remember was a group of people standing over him wearing blades uniform then he pass out.

"isnt that the red palladin" said ilun 

"yes it seems his teammates thought he was inside the lion when they took it" said kolivan 

"are we going to leave him here or let him die "asked antok 

"bring him, we might get answer out of him" said kolivan 

"like where he got that blade" said antok 

"yes now someone take him "said kolivan 

antok put keith over his shoulder then they went back to the ship and back to the base. they took blood samples then left keith in a spare room which was a bedroom.

keith open his eyes then sat up, look around. the door open to reveal antok 

"so your awake" said antok 

"where am i "said keith

"the headquaters we found you and brought you here" said antok then sitting down beside keith and putting his hand on keith forehead. then taking it back and giving keith a glass of water but keith just held it and said" why "

"one we have our reasons, two we want to know how you got that blade, three if voltron found out we were on that palladin and didnt save you they would attack us" said antok 

"it was a friends "said keith 

"what" said antok 

"a friends mother blade" said keith 

"why do you have it" ask antok 

"his mother left when he was  a baby and when there was a fire his father went back in to get it and died" said keith 

antok was quiet then said" i see" 

"yeah "sigh keith 

"how old are you" asked antok 

"18" said keith 

"okay now can you stand up" said antok getting up 

keith got up after awhile he was straight and they went to a room and there was kolivan and others wearing the same uniform as kolivan and antok whisper into keith ear "good luck and remember what i said coming here dont look them in the eye" and left 

"keith was it" said a blade 

keith nodded 

"well antok must have told you not to look at us like serousily everyone who meets us are told not to look at us" said a blade

"you can look at us and how did you get that blade" said a blade

keith look at them and said "a friend" 

"what" said a blade 

keith sigh and said "a friends mother left when he was a baby and when there was a fire his father went back to get it and died so" 

"he want nothing to do with the blade" said a blade 

"do you know where the owner is now" asked a blade

keith shrug and said "he moves alot since he was little" 

"so he probably wouldnt be in the same place" said kolivan 

"oh we never introuced ourselves i am thace "said a blade

"kolizey" said one 

"we dont need to tell him" said a blade 

"fine but dont be surprise if he says hi and doesnt know your name" said thace 

someone bust threw the doors and said you never guess what i found out that when kolivan sent keith out but keith shoulder the man said the paper fell and keith caught the thing he was hoping on getting and crushing it while walking out. he went back ti the room to find antok there and he was surprise to see keith.

"why are you here" asked antok 

"i was order to go" said keith 

antok brought keith to the ships then he was getting ready to leave when kolivan shouted at antok to stop and keith sat on the boarding thing as they argument begin and thace came up to him and said" keith why do you have a smirk on your face" 

"because i didnt have to lie hard to fool antok" smirk keith 

"see "said kolizey

"wait so you admit to lying "said antok 

"they going to find out if i like it or not" frown keith 

"how did you make it look so real" said antok 

"hmm oh kept my blood pressure  and calm myself the only time i think its nessery "said keith 

"to calm yourself wow i hate to be the palladins" smirk thace 

keith roll his eyes and said "whatever can i go now"

"can you empty your pockets now" said kolivan 

keith empty them and the sheet was in his hand and was given to kolivan 

"you say you done this 4 times "said kolivan 

"yes" said the blade 

"what is going on"asked antok 

"according to this keith is a half breed" said kolivan 

"even i figure that out without a blood test serousily i thought you guys were suppose to be smart" said keith

"what" yell the blades

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