Goodbye, Clem

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I got this idea from Tumblr, I am hoping that you guys will like it


Louis was laying down on a bed. Clementine put him there, slowly and gently, as she could.

Clementine was trying to wrap bandages around the open wound, helping Louis. She was taking care of him, hoping he'll be okay, that everything will be alright and he won't die just like the others in her life.

But, they both knew better, he wasn't going to make it. He's not going to live and survive through this.

His hand was on his bloody wound.

Blood was everywhere. On him, on the bed sheets, and on Clementine's hands.

His blood was dripping down, being around his body.

Louis knows that he is dying. This is his end. It's his fate to die now. He has accepted it. He just feels bad for Clementine. He doesn't want to leave her. He loves her.

"Clem.." he said to her, gently touching her hair with his other hand.

"Louis.." Clementine's voice had sadness in it.

She also had feelings for Louis. She loved him.

Louis smiled at her.

Clementine gave a sad smile to him now.

Louis started to sing for her, one last time.

Oh my darling, oh my darling
Oh my darling, Clementine
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine

Clementine was putting her head on his chest as she listened to his voice. She was crying.

Louis' voice was calm and nice. He was holding her.

Oh my darling, oh my darling
Oh my darling, Clementine
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine

Ruby lips above the water
Blowing bubbles, soft and fine
But, alas, I was no swimmer
So I lost my Clementine

Oh my darling, oh my darling
Oh my darling, Clementine
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine

How I missed her. How I missed her
How I missed my Clementine

Oh my darling, oh my darling
Oh my darling, Clementine
You are lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorry, Clementine

He finished the rest of it, quietly.

He held her until then.

Everything was silent between them.

Clementine cried over him, tears falling down from her eyes.

Louis slowly closed his eyes, his breathing and heartbeat no longer there. He was gone.


Sorry that it's shorter than the other one xD But, I hope you all enjoyed reading it anyway 💙

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