ONE- Pain

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I walk to my locker and spray painted on it is SLUT in big red letters. I couldn't look at it I ran to class. I'd just barrow a pencil from my best friend Alecia Brian, i couldn't go back to my locker. I have been tormented by words since everyone found out that Kathleen Sparks (aka most popular girl in school kissed me) she blames their breakup on me because a day later he broke up with her. I know that im not the reason because me and him this past month have grown close.

He explaind to me that he is gay and has been for awhile but he was denying it until that night he got drunk and kissed me to prove he was strait, but all he found is that he isn't.

I walk to class and find Alecia, "hey can I borrow a pencil??"

She hands me one but doesn't answer me. I f in nd that my usual seat by Alecia had been taken (by no other that Kathleen Sparks).

"Oh hi slut wondering why im here?? Im here cause Alecia doesn't want to be your friend anymore but she was to nice to say me being a nice friend told her id tell you for her"

I look at Alecia and she looks down.

"Is that true Alecia??"

"I... um yeah it is" she mumbles

"Fine I leave you alone"

I walk to the back if the class and sit down. Halfway through class a crumpled price if paper hits me. I look up ti fine Alecia mouthing for me to read it. I dont want to so I just throw it in the trash. She looks hurt, but I dont want to read her apology about how shes sorry she didnt tell me sooner or anything. When the bell rings I go to the office and check myself out. I walk home and when I get there I just cry for a long time.

I then go to my closet and get out my old friends (razors). I go to my couch and slowly push the sharp object in my cold skin. I feel pl ain then I see the blood seep out and to the floor. This pain is so much better than all the mental pain. I watch as the little red bead of life slips to the floor. Its not enough I just lost my friend of thirteen years. So I push the razor in farther and watch as more red hits the floor. I push harder and pull it through my skin and make a slice all the way across my wrist. The blood just starts to poor from my wrist. Im lay the and soon I cant keep my eyes open. This worries my because im not tired. But I dont want to move, so I just lay there. Then I see my mom sitting in front of me...Wait thats impossible, my moms dead... then she smiles and hugs me.

"Baby I love you so much" she whispers and I hug her so hard

"Mommy I miss you and im so scared I dont kniw what to do" I cry

" baby right now yoy need to wake up" the she reaches out and smacked me...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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