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You're drowning, and you don't know which way is up,

You hit the rocky bottom and it gashes your skin,

You manage to shove up to the surface,

A single breath or two you manage as the air hits your face,

But soon you're dragged back down by the weights on your feet,

Someone grasps your hand,

They pull you up for a bit,

But then they let go,

They saw the weights,

Not your pain,

They saw a mountain of trouble,

Not how hard you struggle,

So you fall back beneath the waves,

You're drowning again,

Again, the rocks cut your flesh,

You shove off the bottom,

But not with enough,

You're tired,

You begin to think to give up would be easier,

The darkness surrounds you,

You begin to lose all hope,

Then you feel the water swirl,

You feel someone grab onto you,

They start to pull you up,

But unless you want their help,

It will do no good,

But with their help

The weights you can loose,

Another swirl you feel,

More hands grab you,

They also pull you up,

It's a great way to the surface,

You try to shove the helping hands away,

You don't want to drag them down,

You scream "You can't help me anyway",

"You should just let me drown",

They don't let go,

They whisper in your ear,

"We'll keep holding on",

"For you we are here",

"When everyone else is gone",

"We'll stay with you till the end",

"We will keep your head above the surface",

"We'll help you loosen your weights",

"We can help bear the load",

"But the waves will still crash over your face",

"We cannot bear it for you",

"We can help but not take",

"We can share but not get rid of",

"Only you can break the chains",

"The chains that pull you into the deep",

"The weights that cause you to weep",

With their help the weights begin to drop,

You break the surface more and more,

It's getting easier to breathe as the storm begins to calm,

Off in the distance the shore you do see,

And with their help you start to swim towards the shore,

It's a struggle that's for sure,

But it's getting easier,

You slip beneath the waves less and less,

Weights begin to slip as you loosen them enough,

As you get closer you hope, this time, this is the cure,

You've been tricked once before,

You begin to wonder if you'll ever make it,

Then you look at the ones who are helping you stay afloat,

And you see they are guiding you to a boat,

No longer are you drowning,

But you're still not safe,

The wind around you is howling,

You cling on for dear life,

Hoping you won't fall back into the sea,

One of them grabs you and holds you tight,

They hold you close throughout the night,

You reach the shore at long last,

You fell back in a couple of times,

Each time it was easier to get back up to the surface,

You turn to the ones who saved you,

You memorize each face,

You thank them over and over, yet they seem unfazed,

That's when you see the scars from the rocks from long ago on their skin,

They turn to you and say,

"You're welcome in every way",

"We to were saved one day",

"All we ask in return",

"Is that others you won't spurn",

"When others you see in need",

"Go to their side and help them we plead",

You say you will, and thank them again,

And from then on you are friends,

Now take this example I plead,

Help those who are in need.

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