City of Fire (A Mortal Instruments Fanfiction)

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Hey! So this is my new story but my friend on wattpad and in real life is helping me write it. Her name is huntingshewolf10 go fan her!! It's basicly a Mortal Instruments fan fic. For those of you who haven't read the book go read it cause it is one of the best books ever. They're gonna make it a movie soon too! Anyway you can still read it even if you haven't read the books but it might be a little confusing but you'll still be able to figure it out.  Anyway enjoy!

**Picture of Amber's bike on the side**

**Also I do not own any of the characters or things mentioned in this book except Amber and other characters I might add in and all rights go to Cassandra Clare.**

"Eden!" i screamed as i rushed at the Drevak demon with full speed, adrenalin filled my veins  and everything around me seemed to go in slow motion. It's stench of rotting garbage was the same as the alley before me. The demon sniffed the air finally catching my scent, whirled around with its teeth bared.

His poison spines in his mouth were black with ichor and blood. It charged at me- his body moving like a snake, swift and smooth.But i was faster, and stronger then this demon. I dived for it's midsection and plunged Eden into it's torso. It screamed and wailed before it disappeared into thin air and back to the burning flames of Hell.

This is a typical day in my messed up life. I slid Eden back in my belt and started my walk to my White Ducati Motorcycle. I "Borrowed" it for the time being because it's faster then a subway here in New York city. I live in Long Island but i came here searching for answers but only found some fun. (a.k.a. demon killing spree) My fight with the demon was almost as exciting as getting new Jimmy Choo's. That's right folks I'm a girly girl yet I still love the feeling of killing demons.

It was about midnight with a cloudy overcast. the street lamps were dim making the streets blend in with the city light. I was passing a familiar apartment building. I looked up to see a sign with the words MAGNUS BANE on it and underneath it was a glamour saying RESIDENT but when i peeled away the glamor it said HIGH WARLOCK OF BROOKLYN.

I could see light on inside so I decided to pop in and pay him a visit. I have known Magnus for 3 years now because he was the first person I met when my father told me I was a Shadowhunter. For those of you who are confused I'll give you a back round check on me. My father is one of the most important men according to shadowhunter history. Not Jonathan Shadowhunter, but the guy next to him...Raziel.

How is this possible you ask? I thought the same too. I have never met my father and my mom left me when I was 7. I never went to an orphanage or lived with anyone. I basically lived in the woods and took care of myself. I lived that way until I was 15 when one night my father appeared to me in a dream and told me everything.

He told me that I was special and that I had things other people don't. He told me that I was a shadowhunter but not just any ordinary shadow hunter. I was the one and only thing that came between heaven and hell. I was the daughter of one of the most powerful angels in the heavens.He told me that I am immortal and that I would stop ageing by the age of 15.

He told me that I was destined to stop a great war between Heaven and Hell. He gave me Eden a powerful sword named for the garden. Its handle was made from the bark of the tree that Adam and Eve weren't supposed to eat from. Its blade was made of crystal that contained Holy Fire.

He then left me telling me to train like a shadowhunter does only harder and more complicated tasks. I was to train to become stronger, better, faster, and braver than any shadowhunter. I wanted to know how i could do this, but he was gone before I could even ask.

I figured out to do this was by books and your own wit. I would watch the people at the Institute train, going by the names of Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and Clary although they never knew I was there.. I would watch as each person would confess there true weakness through their body language and push forward and break that fear. I copied what they did by my little cabin in Long island and worked with out safety equipment. The runes came easy and less painful as the training progressed. I had borrowed books from Magnus on history, and the rune books.

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