Changing Fate

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Flashes of the past pelted on my mind. Images I couldn't quite place left me in this uncomfortable state. Even though the bells of future to be weds still pounded against my ear drums, everything that took place just three hours ago had left me. Maybe it was my brain trying to protect me, or maybe it was my brain trying to lure me back into the grips of my father. He was all I had ever known, but yet, now that I sit here in the cold rain, his face remains a blur.
He had trained my Brain to think this way. It would be no surprise if he had been mind controlling me this whole time. Only god could tell of the things he had done.
Though, at the end of the days, it didn't matter what he did, or what he conceived, he still always came on top. He was, and still is, the leader of the underground world. The people of this town may have elected Mayor Nezu as their leader, but it was Mr. Yaoyorozu who ran this town. Elected or not, he was not only the mayor of my life, but the mayor of many others. Hungry for power, he has managed to work his way up to one of the most powerful mafia groups.
But with every good thing, must come a downfall. Every good foul has its rival, just like in the story books your mother would read to you. Our opposing group was fierce, but we were fiercer. We didn't work hard— we worked smarter.
Though, in recent years, their hard work finally paid off. Our group had recently took a turn for the worse. The death of my mother, my dad spiraling into thoughts of insanity, every bit of it ultimately lead to our kingdoms come— and my eventual wedding. He was never a man to stray away from a good fight— but he was ALSO never a man who wouldn't acknowledge when he was beat. He was balanced man, although, a balanced man with issues. He was desperate for this win. The taste of victory— or the next best thing. So desperate, he was willing to sell my purity away to the rival leader's son.

Tenya Iida. That was his name— I think. I only knew him for about an hour. We didn't talk much; because in the end, there wasn't much to talk about. Our parents were going to force a future on us we could do nothing but accept. It was like being linked to blackmailing— forced to do someone else's Filthy deeds. I was to be wed to a man I did not love. I looked into him and saw no joy. Only the hollow corpse of someone who once knew what that joy was, but lost it along the tedious journey of gang life. It stripped him of life. I did not want to end up like him.
We held each-other's gaze as our fathers conversed in matters that weren't each theirs. We watched, but we did not listen. We did not want to hear our future be planned out for us. Or at least— I didn't.

"If our kids wed— the feud stops. Got it? No more shootin' down boys on your terf. I've already lost three this month."

"Think of it as a peace treaty. If we join forces— who can stop us? We will be like gods upon these streets."

Their voices were hushed, but the words boomed within me. Especially my heart. Was that all I was? A peace treaty? I refused to believe it. I still refuse to believe it.
That was three months ago. Two hours ago, was our supposed wedding. The faint smell of alcohol still hung fresh upon my now torn dress. I can barely remember what occurred— but the scents, the scenes laid before me— I remember it all, Because it was all trauma. The good things linger, but the bad things stick with you. Strange, isn't it? But it wasn't simply a way of thinking in my old way— it was a way of life. It was a way of finding out who was your friend, and who was your foe. But this— this was dispose to be where foes became friends. But.. if that was the case... why did it feel so wrong?

As I walked along that velvet carpet, I came to a realization. I wouldn't become a pawn in my father's plan for fame. I can do so much more. I can PROVIDE so much more. I can be so much more than what my pops wanted me to be.
I am going to show him; even if it ruins his plans. It was a hit and run. I escaped the church, but barely. My prison would later set me free; but not without struggles.
My fingers instinctively made their way to rub the edge of the torn fabric as I recalled the past. The lace that was once hidden was now exposed to the night air. I could feel the wind touch my bare skin through the thin fabric. It felt nice. It felt like the feel of freedom.
To be alive, and free right now couldn't be a better feeling, but that feeling was also a wake up call to the memories that followed it's end.
Once my once fiancé said his I do's, I looked into his eyes one more time. For something. For anything at all. But alas, it was still the same result. A once happy man turned cold by the life he lead. And now, it was only going to get duller with me in it. I knew he loved another, and that other was not me. I didn't do the hit and run just for myself— but for him as well. I did it for the fate of two young people trying to make their way in this world. I just hope he can find his path without me. Because I'm taking this road alone. It's me, myself, and I from now on. Now that the man who ruled over my life is gone— I can finally at last make my own rules. Fair, just rules. Rules built on trust, and love. Rather than the hate he planted within himself.
Many of the doors were locked— not only that, but many of the guests were chasing after me. With their guns. This is the mafia we are talking about— so of course I expected this. I had planned before hand, but tenya's eyes put that plan into action. My plan called for me to escape through the hallway's back door. That was suppose to be the only door open, but apparently, they had planned for this as well. In the end, I ended up jumping through a window. How I got to that conclusion, I don't know. But it happened— and fast. Now I am here, after continuous running. My breath heavy with leaving fears, my legs sore from the weight of my frivolous dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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