An Urban Campus Legend

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The television reports of a death of a college student on campus. There were reports of an urban legend emerging from the death of that student. Supposedly, when someone feels a slight touch on their body, but the person that was touched cannot locate where or who touched them, that person will eventually die later that day.

Knowing this, I decided to do some investigative research on campus. I travel to that University campus where the student died and saw the news crew interviewing some students about the tragedy. As I listened to them speaking to one another, I overheard the student talk of the circumstances surrounding the death. I decided to come closer to the news reporter and her subject.

At the end of the interview, the student turned to the cameraman and exclaimed, "NUMEROLOGY! THE TRUTH IS IN THE NUMERS! NUMBERS DO NOT LIE!" Commotion began to erupt after his bold statement. The News crew did not know how to handle the situation and tried to edit the last part, or rather erase that it happened at all.

I walk around campus observing the students and the environment. I tried gauging their level of anxiety. A thought came to mind. I would test this out and see what type of reaction I received. I would stealthily touch a student and walk away before they could notice me, but they would always figure it out and snitch on me with the other students.

One time, I tried sneaking up to this couple, a girl and a guy. She noticed I was acting a little strange and creeping. She told me, "I know what you're trying to do," which causes her boyfriend and some kids around them to laugh. Out of the corner of my eye, another male college student was watching me. I caught him trying to catch me off guard by trying this prank on me. Knowing he was trying to do this, I chased him through the courtyard and around one of the College buildings.

As I rounded the corner, all I found were stone structures, open grassy fields, and monuments of past historical figureheads. The college student was nowhere to be found. Was this the same path he took? It didn't matter. I would go back the way I came. Hopefully, my experiments will prove the urban legend is just that... Legend!

An Urban Campus LegendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang