Author's Note: Sortings

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Hello, author here. Sorry to interrupt before the story even begins. Here is a reference to where I have sorted certain marvel characters that will appear in this series. Please don't come at me based on house disagreements. 

(To all my Ravenclaw sisters and brothers: you're cool)


1. Captain America

2. Thor Odinson

3.  Black Panther (T'Challa)

4. Okoye 

5. Gamora 

6. Drax

7. Captain Marvel 

8. Cyclops

9. Storm 


1. Tony Stark 

2. Black Widow (Nat)

3.  Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

4. M'Baku

5. Loki Odinson

6.  Nebula 

7. Deadpool

8. Wolverine (Logan)


1. Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

2. Hawkeye (Clint Barton)

3. Shuri 

4. Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

5. Star Lord (Peter Quill)

6. Groot 

7. Mantis 

8. Luke Cage


1. Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

2. Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)

3. Rocket Raccoon

4. Pepper Potts

5. Jessica Jones

6. Daredevil (Matthew Murdock)

7. Forge 


1. Charles Xavier - (Headmaster)

2. Magneto - (Potions)

3. Beast (Hank McCoy) - (Care of Magical Creatures)

4. Falcon (Sam Wilson) - (Flying/Quidditch basics)

5. Doctor Strange (Steven Strange) - (Transfiguration)

6. Happy Hogan - (Defense Against the Dark Arts)

7. Vision - (History of Magic)

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