Chapter 1

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Letting out a relaxed sigh, I walked out into the glimmering sea until the water reached my knees. Honestly, I could've stayed there for hours, staring into the sunset as the waves crashed against the shore I had left behind me. But as much as I loved to envelop my legs in the blue ripples of the sea, there were multiple reasons I couldn't just stand there forever. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice call out to me. Swiftly, I turned my head far enough to see behind me and felt an uncontrollable grin creep onto my face.
"All Might!" I called out to my mentor as I splashed through the water towards him, wanting to greet him properly.
"Young Midoriya!" I laughed as he catched me in his open arms and ruffles my hair.
"How has everything been? I thought I'd let you relax for at least a few days before starting training again."
"Whaaaat? But I didn't want to relax..." I frowned slightly.
"Midoriya, my boy, you have to rest to be able to help others. As much as I am content with how determined you are to improve, you have to know what your limits are." Toshinori explained. If I was being truthful, I did actually enjoy those first few days of summer I did nothing on, but I was still a bit upset that my tutor never mentioned anything about taking a break.
"Can we start training again..?" I murmured. He looked at me and smiled.
"Of course."

As I walked away from the beach after a long evening of training, I waved goodbye to the once powerful All Might. Despite no longer being able to use One For All, he was still such an inspirational person. Without All Might, I would've never come this far. I would've lived the rest of my life uselessly hoping that I'd somehow become a hero, even if I'd know there's no point. I'd live the whole of my life unhappy. But here I was. Probably the luckiest person in the world. I had earned the power of All Might himself.

On my way back home, I saw a familiar face. Honestly the last person I'd expected to see.
"Midoriyaaaaaaaa!" An overenthusiastic Ashido ran towards me and hugged me, almost squeezing the life out of me.
"What's up with you..?" I could barely breathe. She then realised I was struggling to respire and let go.
"Haha, sorry, I was just really happy to see you! I haven't seen anybody else from our class this summer yet! Say, would you be interested in coming to a party?" She jumped up and down, eagerly awaiting my answer.
"Yeah! Just our class! Does that interest you? Does it?! Tell me it does!" I let out an awkward laugh.
"Sure, it interests me. Sounds good." I gave her a thumbs up of approval.
"Good! I'll send you a message when I organise everything!" She exclaimed. As she ran off, literally screaming her goodbyes, I chuckled a bit. Her ecstasy sure was uplifting.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on my door. I had forgotten to tell my mum where I had gone, and she was probably worried sick. The door creaked open. Relief overtook me as I saw my perfectly content, not worried at all mother.
"Ah, Izuku! You're home. You forgot to tell me you left, but Toshinori told me you were training with him. Maybe I should stop worrying so much all the time, you've grown up after all, but I can't help but want to protect you..." I gave my mum a big hug.
"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you!" I laughed, a bit guilty. After having a small chat with my mum about how the day went, I returned to my room, tired. All the training I had done left me sore. Laying on my bed, I closed my eyes. May as well take a nap.

Author's Note
I'm trying to uhhh actually write well and not just rush everything so forgive me for not jumping into the good shit thank you

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