Intro: (OC) Haruki Sagae Chulainn

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OC Sheet:

Name: Haruki Sagae(Akuma no Riddle character)

Family Name: Chulainn

Parents: Cú Chulainn(Fate Series character) & Scáthach (Fate Series character)

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Skills: Spearsmanship, assassination techniques, runes, martial arts, incredibly strong like her father, collected like her mother, laid back like her father and a skirt chaser/flirt like her father

Weakness: Selfless, a little guillible, self sacrificing, makes Gesis like her father and can is as battle hungry/enjoys a good battle as bad her mother and father

Brief background:

Born as a love child between the Child of Light and the Crimson Lotus, she was born with the typically Irish red hair but a unique trait are her golden yellow eyes and the way her pupils change beast like just like her father's. She's selfless, foolish, and down to earth, stronger than average, but a love struck "idiot" (per Isuke's words) and makes promises she can keep but is often used due to her heroic heart. She was adopted into the Sagae family when her parents ended up mysteriously vanishing one day and left her in the care of old friends who raised dogs and children. Becoming the eldest in 10 children, Haruki took up being an assassin at the age of 14: being able to bring in income quite well due to the skills her parents had taught her. Though money couldn't fix illness; so when her adopted dad died and mother fell ill and into the hospital life got harder for the young Chulainn when this all happened on her 16th. Birthday. It didn't turn around until 2 years later when she met Isuke Inukai at the assassin class known as Black Class. Swearing loyalty to the fellow assassin she swore to Isuke that she will be the "Hound of Inukai' for the rest of her life: giving her protection and her heart. Isuke in exchange did the same and also helped take care of Haruki's adopted family.


Haruki has three possible servant classes/forms that she can take depending on the situation. Her existence is similar to Scá's servant stage but the form usage will be similar to summoning usage use like Naruto and she can only use the full parts max once a day. But it will require a lot of "mana" at the end of the day Isuke will have to supply it to her if Haruki uses them all in one motion such as one form after the other.

Haruki's Lancer Form:


For lancer class her outfit will be similar to her father's fate/EXTRA series suit but the suit will be colored differently. The flame design will be neon red and on her right arm, the lines on the suit will be neon green instead of neon blue. And the spandex  suit will be black and the armor plates on the shoulder grey like her father's and a small black veil on her head over her hair like her mother's. She can wield either one lance or two but prefers one so she can have her strength evenly in one weapon rather than divided into two.

Haruki's NP as a Lancer:

Gáe Bolg: The Soaring Spear That Pierces Death:

It is similar to her father's since it is the same weapon and not the advanced version. She will hold it the opposite manner her father does and will strike or throw it with either hand though she mainly will strike with her right hand.


In this form she wears garb similar to a Hassan with the black sort of shredded cloak covering over a black spandex suit that harbors red neon vein like lines all along the suit. She will wield a wire like weapon similar to piano wire attatched inside brass knuckle gauntlets she wears. Her weapon variety asides the wire would be consisting similar to the weapons her mother's assassin class armament but Haruki's will be: a neon blue sword with a black hilt, neon green knives with black hilts, a red bow like her mother's, and a red three sectioned Lance staff like her mother uses.

Haruki' NP as an Assassin:

Gáe Bolg: Crimson Shadow Step

This NP will involve Haruki using her wire to immobilize her opponent, once they are ensared she will launch a barrage of her knives, a few arrows shots from her bow, followed by using the staff to impale the opponent into the ground at their left knee and right biscep, finishing off by charging a Gáe Bolg and striking it into the opponent's heart.

Haruki's berserker form:


Her armor looks akin to her father's but the color scheme is in reverse: black veined and red armor plated, the tattoos her father sports she will also sport and will have a tail as well but it will match her father's and appear wolfish instead of monsterish. She will also gain wolf ears instead, one black furred and one red furred similar and will take a wolf form similar to her father's Alter state in PRISMA/ILLYA.

Haruki's NP as a Berserker:

Lycan Coinnchen: Sea Wolf Beast Of The Deep

Similar to her father's berserker alter np, Haruki's armor and Gáe Bolg will coat over her in spikes and claws as she gets covered in a black and red mist as it over takes her, her body will also morph into a wolf beast man state as she will lunge at any opponents nearby (up to 50/100 ft depending on how many she is facing)  and will ferociously slash at them before imbedding the Gáe Bolg claws into the ground only for them to come up and impale into the opponents she has slashed behind her. (Like a dash and slash finisher move).

A/N: This is my version of  fate series based version of Haruki Sagae from Akuma no Riddle if she were to have been the child of Cú Chulainn and Scáthach. The story will be a mix of the Fate Series World and Akuma no Riddle. As given in the "brief background" section is a small portion it gives insight into a little of what will transpire in the story. Stay tuned for more is to come soon! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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