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The wind cascaded down the valley causing the long grass to dance in the wind. It swirled and swayed mesmerizingly. The sun was just beginning to rise. It's orange rays painting the sky a brilliant colour.

Thea didn't enjoy trekking across Tamriel at ungodly hours. The only enjoyment she got out of it was the sunrise. She did it nonetheless, the pay was good. It was a hard life but a sustainable one.

Every step she took down the stone path caused her steel sword to clink in it's sheath. She wished for the sound to be coin in her pocket; alas, coin was not made until the job was done.

She desperately needed a new set of leather armour. It had served her well but it was old and worn. Her boots were falling apart and her leggings had holes in the knees.

A buck peeked it's way out of the forest catching Thea's eye. She crouched low, slowly taking out her bow, not wishing to startle it. She strung her bow and waited.

The buck didn't seem to notice her small form as she crouched next to a boulder. Times like these she was glad she wasn't a full Nord. Her petite Imperial frame was perfect for sneaking.

She took a deep breath and let the arrow fly. The buck quickly bolted before the arrow hit it's mark. She cursed colourfully. Suddenly, a flash of black startled her.

A growl turned her around. There stood a Werewolf about three times her size.

"I don't know who you are or what pack you come from but you scared off my breakfast." Thea huffed at the wolf.

She met it's eyes and froze, her blood suddenly feeling like molten metal. Mate.

Her wolf stirred, approving and wanting to shift. She knew to control herself, she wouldn't be able to rein in her wolf otherwise. Shifting would be dangerous.

The wolf's head turned to the side like a dog. It inched closer and crouched down low. Thea got a mouth-full of fur as the wolf rubbed it's large head against hers. Thea laughed, the sound melodic and wonderful to the wolf.

"You should go shift. We need to talk." Thea said, her voice becoming serious.

The wolf nodded once and went behind the boulder. Cracking of bones were heard as the wolf shifted back into human form.

A voice was then heard. "I didn't really think this through. I don't have anything to change into." His voice was deep and gravelly.

Thea's wolf was driving her mad, she took a deep breath and  suppressed it. She went into her pouch and pulled out her sleeping roll. She tossed it over the rock.

"What kind of shifter are you? Every shifter brings something to change into." Thea snorted.

"One that doesn't remember things." The voice replied.

Thea laughed at his response.

He walked around the boulder, the sleeping roll around his waist. He was a handsome man. His hair was black and tousled, his eyes as blue as the sea. Thea's wolf stirred once again.

"I'm Thea." She said, still having an internal battle with her wolf.


"There's an old bandit camp to the west, I might be able to find something for you to wear." Thea said, gesturing west. She couldn't continue to talk to him like this. Her wolf was close to taking control.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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