First day

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Okay everybody this is my first nalu story! Mermor helped me write this story so when you get the chance you should check out her storys to! Ok now on with the story!


Lucy's pov

"Today is my first day of high school! Oh I'm so nervous! What am I supposed to wear? Oh yah we have a uniform! I hope I'm not like this during class!"

Natsu's pov

"Fist day of high school! This is going to be so much fun! Right happy?"


"Well, I'm ready to go! Now we just have to wait for Gray!"


"Well speak of the devil! Lets go happy!"


I open the door to find not just Gray, but also Gajeel, Juvia, Loke, and Erza.

"Well let's get going we don't want to be late for our first day of high school, now do we?" asked Erza.

"Okay then let's go!" I say with a smile.

We walk for about ten minutes and arrive at school.


Lucy's pov

After I get dressed I wait for levy to arrive. Five minutes later I hear the door bell ring.

"Lucy, you ready for our first day?!"

Me an Levy have been friends since first grade!

"Course I am! Let's get going!"

We start walking and six minutes later we are in front of the school. We go to the front office to get our schedule we have the same schedule. First is homeroom room number 513. We go strait there to get the seats next to the window. When we get there we realize that our homeroom teacher is principle Makarov. This is going to the best year ever. Makarov is like my grandfather. I've lived on my own since I was 14 because I ran away from my father. Makarov was kind enough to let me attend fairy tail middle. That is how I came to be in fairy tail.

"Hey what up grandpa!" I say to him.

When he hears me he turns around with a smile on his face.

"Hello my dear child! What have you been up over the summer?" He asks

"Oh you know the usual, working."i say

"Oh and how was that?"he asks

"Hell!" I say

He starts laughing. Then the bell rings signaling that everyone should get to class. As everyone starts to file in. I notice that Natsu, Gray, Erza, Gajeel, and Juvia are all in our class.

This is going to be a long year! I think to myself.


Natsu's pov

After we get to school we go to the front office to get our schedules. We all have the same schedules! Thank God, I wont have to be by myself in any of the classes!

"Yay I have the same schedule as Gray!" said Juvia while smiling like a crazy person.

"Kill me, I'm begging you!" he says to me.

"No! I don't want to go to prison!" I yell

"Flame brain!" Gray yells at me

"Ice princess!" I yell back

"Both of you SHUT UP!" yelled Erza

"Yes mam!" Me and Gray say in unison

Then the bell ring signaling that we need to get to class. We go to room number 513. When we get there I notice that Makarov is our teacher!

This is going to be a great year. I also notice that in our class are Lucy and Levy.

Yep this is definitely going to be a great year! I think to myself.

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