The Prolouge

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Henri looked up at the giant Black Lion with awe. Her older brothers, the twins Mason and Jason, were being tested to see if they were fit to pilot the massive robot. Neither of them were successful, and emerged out of the Lion with disappointed faces and Keith followed behind them. Acxa was kneeling beside her daughter, and looked up. "It'll be ok boys." She said and ruffled their hair. "Alright Henrietta. It's your turn." Keith said and extended his hand out to her. "Henri?!" "But she's only eight!" The boys complained. "And you two are only ten. The universe is going to need heroes, and we'll need all the help we can get." Keith said and smiled when the little girl took his hand. Keith led her to the Black Lion's cockpit and sat her down into the seat. "Now, grab those handlebars- good. Try to focus really hard to bond with the Lion." Keith explained. Henri nodded, determination etched deep into her face. She closed her eyes hard and did what her father told her. Two seconds later, the Black Lion roared to life. Henri squealed and jumped up and down in her chair. "I did it! Did ya see daddy?! Did you see me?! I'm the new Paladin!" She said happily.
Lance and Allura were walking up to Blue, Red, and Yellow with Hunk, Blythe, and their own twins. "Imma get the Blue Lion!" "No I am!" "Nu uh!" The twins bickered back and forth while Blythe held Hunk's hand and hid behind him. "Where's Pidge?" Allura asked her friend and husband. "She'll be here soon." Hunk explained. The six arrived at the Lions and Kayla immediately ran to the Blue Lion as the Black Lion flew above them. "Looks like one of the twins had some luck. I'll go with Kayla. You can go with Jace." Lance said and jogged after his daughter. Allura nodded and took Jace's hand and looked at Hunk. "Good luck you two." She said and walked to the Red Lion. Hunk smiled and looked at his small Balmeran daughter. "Nervous?" He asked and Blythe nodded her head. "W-What if I'm not the one?" She asked timidly. "Don't worry Bly. You'll connect with Yellow, I just know it." Hunk said and Blythe smiled. As they walked to the Yellow Lion, the Blue Lion roared to life and stood up. Blythe whooped out in joy for her friend as the Blue Lion shot into the air. The Red Lion soon followed. Blythe ran into the Yellow Lion with her father and she gripped the handlebars and closed her eyes tight and concentrated. Yellow roared to life and the little girl smiled and pushed some buttons before preparing to take off. "Wait, wait, wait, Blythe!" Hunk said but the girl didn't listen and shot the Lion into space with a smile on her face. "I see Yellow's up and moving." Keith said into the comms. "Yeah! How about you? Which one of the boys are piloting?" "KAYLA BE CAREFUL-" "Whoever it is they got the same talent like their father." "Heh. Wanna say hi?" "Hi everyone!" "Is that Henri?" "Sure is!" "Wait up guys!" Pidge's voice joined into the conversation. "Green Lion's up!" "Who's the Paladin of Green? Hawk?" "Nope! It's my little Sammy." "Hah! He's got the same brains as his mother." "Should we tell them to land?" "KAYLA IF YOU DON'T SLOW DOWN YOU ARE GROUNDED!" "I'll take that as a yes." The Lions landed one by one and the children fgot out and ran to each other excitedly, talking amongst themselves about the Lions. All of them, except for Henri. She got out and looked at the Black Lion with a blank expression. "You ok Henri?" Keith asked as he kneeled next to her. "What if I'm not a good leader dad?" She asked. "Nonsense! You boss the twins around like it's no one's business!" He joked and she laughed. "You're gonna be just like your dad. Maybe even better." "Nu uh! Your the coolest person in the Galaxy!" Keith smiled and tickled his daughter's sides and laughed as she squealed. "We'll see about that Princess."

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