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I woke up to a dark room. It was daylight, presumably close to sunset; I could tell that much from the sun trying to pierce through the closed black curtains.

Groaning quietly, I lifted a hand to my pounding head, squeezing my eyes shut as let it fall back against the soft pillow. I was naked. I could feel the cool metal of a shackle locked around my ankle, chaining me to the bedpost.

I winced, slowly opening my eyes fully and took in my surroundings. I was laying on a California King sized bed, tucked under a thick black silk duvet. From the looks of things, I guess I was in a ritzy hotel suite.


Probably, only the best for them.

Ace and Ryker Livingstone.

My living nightmares.

I thought I outsmarted them. I masked my scent everyday; things were finally getting back to normal. I got a job as a bank teller on the opposite side of the country, no one knew me, I changed my whole look, I changed my name, I was starting to make a new life.

It wasn't enough. They will always be three steps ahead of me. I'll always be under their thumb.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes and blinked them back. Stop it Kim you are not a little bitch.

I slapped myself in the face twice, hard, and sat up. 

I need to pee.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and hopped down, gripping the bedpost and closing my eyes momentarily to steady myself. They sure upped their tranq game, fuck. I feel like I've been mauled by a bear, then shot in the head and somehow survived.

I trudged over to the washroom, the chain on my ankle long enough for me to roam freely and make it to the toilet, but stopping just short of my fingers reaching the door to leave the room, no matter how much I stretched, not that it would matter if I could, I already knew they'd have at least two goons waiting for me on the other side of the door, AR-15's and all.

I flushed the toilet and walked over to the mirror, bracing myself on the marble countertop.

Looking at my reflection, my eyes zoning in on the bite marks either side of my neck. I hid them so well in my months away, but there they are, on full display again.

My neck was no longer throbbing like it was when I was out of their clutches, no constant pain meds needed to keep the pain down now, the bond was happy.

They had their little wife back.

Too bad I'm human and don't feel the 'tingles' or any need to constantly be around them like they do me. I loathe them.

Sighing, I walked back over to the bed and turned on the TV to watch Netflix, choosing a horror movie. Too bad nothing could be more horrifying than my life.

After about an hour of jump scares, it became dark outside and I began dozing off, whatever drugs they pumped me with earlier still swirling in my system. As I curled up on my side facing the floor to ceiling curtain-covered windows, I heard the door open.

I lolled my head to face the sound, my body still facing the windows, covers pulled up to my chin.

There they stood, wolfishly grinning at me from across the room. They kicked off their big combat boots at the door and advanced. I turned my head away and squeezed my eyes shut.

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