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Okay there's no point in an authors note as no ones gonna read the story and I most probably wont continue writing this, but I'm writing this anyway. This is a new story idea that I have been obsessed with but I cant figure out how to write it. Its not a light read but its not a dark read either, its kind of something in between. Anyway if someone ever sees this and likes it then vote and comment. :) It would mean the world to me. (not edited)


She would figure something out.  She wouldn’t let anything happen to him. She had promised him that. This was her punishment, not his.  She shouldn’t have done what she did but she couldn’t have lived with the guilt if she hadn’t. If she had been born to any family other than hers, it wouldn’t have been a sin to defend an innocent girl’s life. But no, she had to be one of the Blackburns. And she had to defend a Pennington.

The feud between the Blackburns and the Penningtons were not an uncommon knowledge among the common people of Brenley.  It had been going on for generations but rarely did it resort to violence, especially since the Penningtons quit, around 25 years ago, the whole joint family system both the families had been following before. In fact , the non violent streak had continued for so many years that the fued almost became more like an old story and less like reality day by day. That is, until Wesley Blackburn returned to his family house one day, bloody, with broken limbs and a concussion.

Wes was her half brother, but she rarely acknowledged the fact herself. She and her little brother were borne by a woman with whom Wes’ father led an extra marital affair. The woman had let the secret out right before she died from childbirth, leaving her children, Ameya and Zachary, outcastes. But they survived.  Soon enough the Blackburns stamped their family tattoo of a burning heart on their shoulders and accepted them as family. Almost. They were provided for, but they were never loved. But it didn’t matter as Mia loved Zac and Zac loved Mia. That was enough of a family for them.  There were occasional cases of Wes’s violent outbursts directed at them, but as long as they kept out of the limelight it was alright. So they kept out of everyone’s way. Until that unfortunate week when Wes came home a bloody mess.

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