Characters Introduction

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Name: Sakura Hinamori (Me)
Age: 14 years old
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Gender: Female
Status: Single
Height: 5'3
Birthdate: 05/27/04
Favorite Color: Blue, pink, and black
Favorite Animal: Wolves, dogs, cats, etc...
Interests: Watching anime, playing games, playing instruments (Such as piano and guitar), playing sports (Such as soccer and basketball), listening to music, reading, baking, drawing, singing, etc...
About me: Most likely people say that I'm cute, kind, friendly, energetic, sweet, kind hearted, trust worthy, clumsy, a tsundere, hardworking, extremely loyal, never-give-up person, etc...When you make me very mad, you will probably die. By the way, nice to meet you readers!! ^^

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Name: Sukuraki Kinotomo <Suki, for short> - (Childhood Best friend)
Age: 14 years old
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Gender: Male
Status: Single (But, trust me. He is very popular)
Height: 5'7
Birthdate: 12/20/04
Favorite Color: Sky blue, white
Favorite Animal: Wolves, dogs, polar bears, etc...
Interests: Watching anime, playing games, playing instruments (He is good at playing all of the instruments ;v;), sports (All of the sports he is good at), listening to music, reading, cooking, drawing, singing, dancing, studying, etc...
About him: He is very kind, friendly, cute, handsome, loyal, hardworking, studious, a very much of a gentleman, popular, etc...I am his childhood best friend, we knew each other since we were 3 years old. He is always popular among girls. Basically he's good at everything.

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Name: Saiichi Hirata (Big Brother)
Age: 16 years old
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Gender: Male
Status: Single (He is also quiet popular)
Height: 6'3
Birthdate: 03/09/02
Favorite Color: Black, gray
Favorite Animal: Hyenas
Interests: Playing sports, board games, sleeping, going to the gym, cooking, etc...
About him: My brother is basically a meanie. But, he has his good side. He is very insensitive, mean, handsome (Not really, for me), popular, protective, strong, hard working, etc...He always tease me and it's pretty annoying. But, he protects me and only use his good side sometimes. He is also very popular, he is pretty much of an introvert because of his attitude. Trust me, you would't want a brother like him! But anyways, he has his good side...

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Name: Katzu Daisukee (Childhood Best friend)
Age: 15 years old
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Gender: Male
Status: Single (He is popular, because of his hotness)
Height: 5'9
Birthdate: 07/02/03
Favorite Color: Dark blue, gray
Favorite Animal: Hawk, eagles, jaguars, etc...
Interests: Sleeping, going to gym, singing, playing the electric guitar, listening to music, etc...
About him: He is kind of like my brother, but he is worse. He is very much of an introvert, popular, mean, quiet, strong, loyal, etc...He is a mean kind of person, but he has his reasons why he is like that. His family got murdered in front of him when he was 3 years old, which is before we met (I was 2 years old that time). He wanted to take revenge of that person, and of course I would help him. I met him when I was 3 years old, too. Me, Suki, and Katzu, we were all together.

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These are the character's for now. I will be making more character introductions in the future...
Now let us begin with the chapter!!

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