When the Ground Shakes, a Monster Returns

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An Epilogue for the novel, A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness 

(A School Project)

When the Ground Shake, a Monster Returns

18 years into the future

Conor could hear his daughter's aggressive coughs fill the whole house. It shook the little house filled with quiet and very concerned members of the family. His six-year-old son, Evan, looked at Conor in search for answers. All Conor could give him was a sad smile.

"Dad, why is Katlyn still sick? Shouldn't she be better by now?" the boy asked, eyebrows bunched up in concern. Conor sighed and got up from the couch he was reading a book on. He sat beside his son on the floor of their living room, careful as to not step on the Legos Evan was playing with.


"Dad, I told you not to call me that."

Conor sighed but a tiny, reminiscing smile graced his lips. "Sorry, my dad kept calling me that when he visited. Must have picked up on it." Evan nodded. "Evan, give your sister some time. The weather has been harsh on us these past few weeks. Aren't the kids at school sick too?"

That got Evan thinking, and then he nodded. But he had more to say. "Yeah but their colds only lasted for a couple of days. Katlyn has been sick for 2 weeks already." Conor is surprised. He didn't expect Evan to be so observant for his age.

"Yeah, but she'll get better soon, don't you think so?"

Evan is silent. He turns his head to the ground, something he does when he's ashamed. Slowly but surely, he shakes his head no.

Conor's whole face falls. Their home turns silent save for the aggressive coughs shaking their whole world.


Conor wakes up to an empty bed. Looks like Lily went down to make breakfast. He smiles at the thought.

He and Lily worked things out in the end. When his mom died, he had to live with his grandma and attend a different school. Of course, Lily was beyond upset. They had just made up but the universe was pulling them apart again. Conor was extremely upset too, even if he didn't admit it. Luckily Lily's mother allowed her to visit Conor every weekend and after a few visits, Conor's grandma let her stay over for a couple of school-less nights. Things began to blossom from there and before they knew it, Lily confessed (because Conor was too much of a stubborn coward to do so) and they became a thing. Of course, no one was surprised. They all saw it coming from the start.

After hours (which, in reality, were only a couple of minutes) of lying there with his thoughts being the only company he had, Conor decided to head downstairs.

As he expected, the quaint house was filled with breakfast smells. He could hear the bacon from where he stood on top of the staircase, sizzling away on the pan. Conor headed down with a little bounce in his step, visibly more awake.

Evan and Katlyn were already there before him, seated at the wooden table situated beside the counter dividing the kitchen from the dining area. Evan was bouncing around in his seat, gazing hungrily at the breakfast being prepared. Katlyn seemed happier too, less sick. Conor smiled. He's glad his kids could enjoy breakfast like this.

Conor greeted his family good morning and sat down with the kids at the table. They all played a quick round of rock paper scissors to decide who would get the longest strip of bacon. Katlyn won and bore the brightest smile. Conor was glad he lost. Though Evan was a bit stubborn and grumbled until Katlyn gave in and told him they could share. Evan grinned triumphantly.

A few more little games later, breakfast was served. "Took you long enough," Conor teased. Lily visibly rolled her eyes.

"You try making a gourmet dish in the morning, you ungrateful twit."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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