I spoil act I scene I

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To point out the obvious :
Capulets-Juliet's family
Montagues-Romeo's family
Author's notes are in bold
Brace yourself for the cringe that is
Me spoiling this scene.

You have been warned

Samson and Gregory, the Capulet servants are wandering around a public place in Verona armed and ready to fight the first Montague they see. On queue Abraham and Balthazar enter. They do some 14th century smack talk before anyone actually fights. Enter Benvolio trying to keep the peace to avoid a third civil brawl to no avail. Enter Tybalt (his personality can be described in one word: hotheaded ) who wants to get into the fighting action and decides it is his duty to beat up every single Montague who crosses paths with him. He attacks Benvolio. Then enter several of both houses who join in the fray, then enter citizens with clubs (this ain't me this time I swear).

Let me at 'im! Say both old man Capulet and old man Montague
No, you're too old for that shit say  their wives

The prince, fed up with this violence decrees that the next person to fight on the streets shall be killed. Then he further punishes ol' man Montague and ol' man Capulet individually.  

Everyone but ol' man Montague, Lady Montague and Benvolio leave.

Lady Montague asks Benvolio where Romeo is and adds that she's glad he wasn't part of this fray.

Benvolio says that he had insomnia (I know what you were doing, or should I say should) and saw Romeo out but decided it's best to leave him be.

Ol' Montague confirms that Romeo is depressed and says he really wants to know why so he can help him.

Romeo appears. The ol' Montagues leave so he can interrogate Romeo.
We discover that Romeo is in love with some mystery girl and is so lovesick he's depressed.

Benvolio swears that he'll make Romeo forget that girl or die trying.

I hope thou didn't hate reading this too much. Feedback is greatly appreciated .

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