Killer!DBD AU

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If you're wondering why I've delayed the latest chapter of Heat Haze is because I've been working on this a lot. I've seen a lot of Dead by Daylight AUs for these guys, but I wanted to do one for myself. For this one, I'll be strictly using the It's Us group, mainly because they play DBD the most, and it's a lot easier for me that way. These aren't supposed to be viable killers or survivors, in fact, I'm pretty sure they aren't. For the perks, instead of going in a building kind of way, I instead based them off the Killer's past and the name. And WARNING! THIS IS GOING TO GET PRETTY GOREY AND KINDA MESSED UP. THIS IS DBD WE'RE TALKING ABOUT, I MEAN HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN THE HAG'S MORI?

The Illusionist: During the early 1930s, Jon was a famous magician. He was able to pull off magnificent tricks by himself and with his assistant. You name it, he's done it. Card tricks? He could do them in his sleep! Escaping a water tank? A little harder, but it was no issue. But there was one trick that he was sure that would dazzle the crowd. The Bullet Catch. The trick that had taken many magicians and illusionists that came before him. It had taken him years to perfect it, making sure that nothing would ever go wrong. His assistant would shoot at him first before he did the same to her. On the night of the show, every trick and illusion had gone perfectly, and Jon already was feeling quite confident. Their guns were loaded with wax bullets, the real bullets hidden in their cheeks. The first shot went without a hitch, the audience roaring their applause. But Jon didn't realize that his gun had a real bullet inside. He could only watch as his assistant crumpled to the ground, dead. Horrified, he let out a scream of panic. The show was cut short. His stage director was found brutally murdered with a circular saw. That was the last anyone heard of Jon.

Jon can use a menagerie of different weapons, but the one he uses in trials is a circular saw. The saw has him slash survivors while it's off, though. He also carries around his gun. The gun is always filled with wax bullets and is more of a way to spook survivors. They will scare a survivor, which will cause them to make noise and give out their location. However, it also gives out his location as well. His cool off animation has him either spinning the chamber of the gun or watching the blood fly off of his saw after he turns it on.

Map: Winslow Theater. Most of the map is backstage, but some parts of it are on the stage itself. For example, there's a generator directly in the middle of the stage. Once popped, it will turn on the stage lights.

Mori: Jon literally slices a survivor open with the saw and pulls out their mushy insides likes a chain of handkerchiefs.


Magician's Secret: A good magician never reveals his secrets. Your offering will not be shown at the beginning of a match, the card instead of not being turned over.

Released Dove: It's never too late to let go. You will automatically put survivors in the Dying State until two generators have been finished. After this, the effects of Released Dove will be negated.

Buzzkill: You don't want them to ruin your fun. You can rev up your saw, causing a /15% more blood being spilled once a survivor is in the Injured State. The blood will also become more visible.

The Beast: Uni was once a medical student going into veterinary in the early 2000s. At first, he loved it. Ever since he was a child, Uni had been fascinated by animals, particularly with cats, dogs, and other animals like them. Once he graduated college, he was ecstatic to see the acceptance letter from one of the most prestigious medical schools in the UK. Although the workload was heavy, Uni thought he could do it. He had worked his damn hardest to get into this school, and the tuition wasn't cheap either. His nose would be in a book for hours a day, the work only piling up and up. He sought solace in the local animal shelter, where he would volunteer to help take care of the animals there. A white cat with brilliant blue eyes named Lucy would soon become his favorite. The two became nearly inseparable over time, and Uni had planned to adopt her once he had finished his last year in medical school. Eventually, he had to stop volunteering due to the workload, but still stopping by every now and then. Lucy would greet him ecstatically every time he saw her. But one day, the cat just wasn't there. He asked the shelter and they told him the news: she had been euthanized. Uni tried to move on. He really did, but the stress was never-ending. Finally, on his way back to his dorm, he spotted a stray dog. Its eyes were the same as Lucy's. The animal eyes he collected were beautiful, but he wanted more. Then he met his new roommate and his piercing blue eyes. The school was horrified as multiple students, seemingly at random, disappeared without a trace, only for their bodies to be found without their eyes near the same dorms. A police officer would be sent to investigate every dormer and dorm room. Uni vanished into the night after he murdered the officer, never to be seen again.

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