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Hey guys! It's Jay here with my second roleplay! The first one kinda sucked so I tried again.

Anyway, here are the rules!

1. No smut in the roleplay. You can get fluffy and seduce cats but no graphic stuff

2. Speaking of graphic, there will be blood and fight scenes in this. They might be graphic depending on the roleplayer.

3. Hate the cat not the roleplayer

4. You do not have to use traditional naming. This is the city not the forest

5. Also this isn't a BloodClan roleplay

6. No Mary/Gary Sues. If you get into a fight you have ti have at least one wound.

7. No powers

8. There's a sort of plot so try to stick to it

9. You can say damn, hell, and bloody but nothing too strong.

10. To prove you read the rules comment your favorite fast food restaurant below

I will most likely add more later on

Behind City Walls ~ Warrior Cats RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now